The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Hello Blue
Cloudy but above average temps for this time of year here. 35 degrees, snow has melted, I see green grass.
I have a dread of future gas prices. As the auto company's force us into electric cars, less gas sold will mean higher prices. They gotta sell volume.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Slept late.  Cooked breakfast.  52 and sunny.  Showers later.  Wifey wants me to blow leaves out of shrubbery.  Grind them with mower and bagging unit.  Dump them back in.  Renews soil.  Cover with pine straw.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning to ya all, it rained a bit early yesterday but things were dry by the time it was light out. So, we did get out to the desert to target shoot. Really nice until the wind kicked up. Gusts up to around 200 mph Eek , or so it seemed. We were chasing targets as we set them up. Still, it was calm enough for a while that we did have a good time. Like being able to run your trains or work on them or your layout, even having a bad day doing it is a good day, and so it is with target shooting.

Busy day today, no time to do anything on my layout. Need to repaint the backdrop before I do anything else, it didn't turn out like I wanted, but then again, it's probably ten years since I painted the last one, so I'm back to square one on the learning curve again.

Take care and have a great day.... 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

One more in a long string of cloudy days. 19 now headed for about 25.

Worked on the trains some more yesterday afternoon but did not solve the problem with the last turnout. May wind up replacing it. Nothing special on the agenda for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
wow another 11 days since I've been here , as said before time fly's by so fast, never found hearing aid but the VA is replacing it , meanwhile I say what did you say a lot :Sad  . EZ envy you being able to get time to pop a cap , got me to thinking I haven't been shooting muck in last 4 years its been 12 years since I shot the 375 H&H guess its time to sell it. weather been better here and warming up a bit chickens are starting to lay again they went on strike during cold cloudy days.
Good morning everyone, a decent chance of rain today, temps only in the mid-60's. Back to normal until Monday when they say it'll no only rain, but it's going to be a bit chilly. Folks at the Phoenix Open will have a great final round on Sunday, if they can remember. I think they have more watering holes there than holes of golf.

Jim, you're welcome to join us when we go out, only it's a bit over 50 miles away for us, but well over 100 for you. We shoot at the base of Flat Iron Mountain, it's off of I-10 and 355 Ave. (Wickenburg Highway). We don't go out as often as we used to and as a result, we don't shoot as well as we used to. Old age doesn't help, I got rid of both my 357's a few years ago because shooting it was hard on my feeble hands. Gave up trap shooting because my trap gun became heavier over the year, don't know how it gained all that extra weight. Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Snowy and 17 at the moment with a predicted high around25. The snow should be ending soon. Looks like about and inch.

Interesting day yesterday. Went to the gym and swam a half mile and walked for 2 miles. Then talked to a personal trainer. He felt that I don't need his service full time but will work with me today (time permitting) on making some changes to my routine for better results. In the afternoon I fixed a minor issue with some laminate flooring. Got to use some power tools so that's a plus. Then a leg broke on a kitchen chair. I'll fix that today which will require more power tool usage.

When I went to the gym yesterday morning gas was at $2.24. When I went out about 6 yesterday evening it had dropped to $2.10. Glad I gassed up my car on Monday so the oil company executives could retire on all that extra profit.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Cough cough [dry cough]. Had Yankee pasty mush [oatmeal] with cinnamon and raisins for breakfast. undefined

46 and sunny. Trying to stay in and get over this stuff. Just bad enough to make you discussed with it. Seems all the County has it. Heard last night, all of Rolesville Commissioners and most of the staff has it. Then heard the Town of Wendell has it. I have been lucky, just the cough now feel yucky. None of the fevers and etc. County staff and etc. gong back to work now. Commissioners are recovering but not quickly.

Wifey is funny. Asked her if her lizard in greenhouse had caught the crickets she bought and released. "Hope he doesn't find them." "They were so happy when I released them." "Some dug in the soil and some were running through the plants." undefined

Cough cough. Can't type for coughing.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
warmer to day :Smile cant hardly wait for 100 deg. weather. EZ thanks for invite but just a bit far we have closer places but can't seem to eke out time. my 375 is a Holland and Holland double rifle that's sighted for 300 grain projectiles (OUCH) made right after WW2 . as you can guess its a high dollar weapon. your trap gun might have had barrel leading . HE HEE
Good morning all, "Thursday morning and all is well", said the crier atop the tower, or was that Alexa in her infinite wisdom? Yes, we have Alexa in several rooms. Like our cell phone, we have it just for emergency. Her capabilities are almost endless, just that we've gone this long without her, as clever as she is, I frequently forget she's there, ready to help 24/7.

No rain yesterday as forecast, well, they did have a little dribble north of Wickenburg, but none here. Seems it's all up north and turning to snow. Temps still around 70, hitting mid to high 70's on Sunday, just in time for the final round of the Phoenix Open. Rain again in the forecast for Monday with a dramatic drop in temps for a few days.

Yeah Jim, I was wondering why that gun kept getting heavier and heavier over the years, that's the answer. I guess I should have cleaned it more often. Icon_rolleyes
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 22 headed close to 30 later today with a chance for some light snow tonight. Weather forecaster screwed up and allowed some sunshine in for about an hour yesterday.

Te personal trainer I was supposed to talk to yesterday called in sick. Sounds like it will be his turn in the barrel for this flu that's going around. Also got the kitchen chair fixed. Got to play with some more power tools so a good day. This morning I'm headed to Walmart and maybe the gym if Walmart doesn't suck the motivation out of me.

My son had a follow up exam the other day and all is well at the moment. Next exam in 3 months.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning.  Cough will not leave me.  Got Dr.'s apt.

47 and sunny.

Prayers for Tom's son.  Also, I don't forget DAZ.  

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello Blue
Yes it's cloudy and 32 here as well.
On the way home from an ENT visit I bought regular gas at $2.29. Lowest price I've seen here in a long time.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
You guys don't have to worry about the oil companies low profits. As your gas prices go down, ours still remain steady at $3.00. Name brands are a bit higher.

Thank you Frank, really appreciate that...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
hi all another day with sunshine and mild temp's , picked another rose this morn , can't believe that that bush is still putting out blooms at this time of year. EZ after your post about target practice looked through my weapons and some of them haven't been fired since 88 , the most recent one was last fired in 2012 , I need t get out and do some shooting.

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