The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and a charming -14 with a wind chill of -31. Got a half inch of snow last night when the front came through. Someone needs to go out and get that cleaned off. Any volunteers? Anyone? Don't be shy. Step right up. No one? Well, I guess I'll have to do it myself. The weather service is forecasting upper 30s by Saturday.

Due to the cold weather my Thursday group has cancelled for this week. In other news my nose has grown to about the size of Montana and I pretty much feel like crap.

One of the guys in my Thursday group almost got sucker by one of those phone calls. In my family we short circuited that years ago. I always told my kids "no bail. Period" Just call and let us know. We'll deal with it in the morning. I know my kids have passed it on the their kids.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
68 degrees and getting warmer. Trying to rain. [as usual]

Cooked red hots and egg for breakfast. Got an appointement with Franklin County Economic Director. Going to work on turning their airport [nice one] into a jet park. Develope hundreds of acres around it.

Enjoy your day.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Morning Blue
Well Friday the 13th has brought us some lite snow. No biggie just another pesky one. Not much going on at our house, we go out when needed, stay in till I am looking forward to our Detroit3Railers club meet on Saturday evening though.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
(02-13-2020, 06:19 AM)ezdays Wrote: Good morning all, temps forecast in the high 60's for today and going into the 70's starting tomorrow. Rain suppose to come by tomorrow is now postponed due to Spring Training. We don't want anyone to get wet, or any games being canceled, since they play everyday until the end of March.

Got a call from my, "grandson", yesterday, seems like he had an accident, broke his nose and was in jail somewhere, something about a friend had alcohol. Anyway, all he was asking for was to borrow $15,000, half for bail, half for his lawyer. It was between us, I was not to tell his father or anyone. He gave me his lawyer's number (in Des Moines, Iowa),  to make arrangements and continued to plea until I said, "oh, by the way, what's your father's name again?" For some reason, he couldn't remember, and just hung up.... Icon_lol  Got another "Grandpa" call some time ago from my "granddaughter", she was supposedly arrested for drug possession back east when I knew they were both in school at the time here in Arizona. I play along with these folks and some of those, "Microsoft techs" when I feel like having some fun, like the one the other day that asked how I was doing. I gave him a rundown on my health and said, "thanks for asking", then hung up. Usually, they're dumb enough to stay on the line.... 35 That's what us old folk do for some cheap entertainment.

my reply for numbers I don't recognize on caller id is either hola or some times guten morgen or tag depending on time of day , if that don't put them off then I say either no hables ingles  or spreche kein English
Good morning all, or as Jim would say, "guten morgen", it was suppose to rain all this week, but that got pushed to next week, now it's been pushed even further. Temps around 70, normal for now, but the sun is warm enough that we had the van's A/C on yesterday.

(02-13-2020, 10:07 AM)jim currie Wrote: my reply for numbers I don't recognize on caller id is either hola or some times guten morgen or tag depending on time of day , if that don't put them off then I say either no hables ingles  or spreche kein English

Good angle, but if I'm in the mood, I have more fun and keep those blood-suckers occupied for a while. That has to be a rotten way to make a living, scamming honest folks out of all they can get. One day, there'll be a huge suite against the phone companies that allow these guys to spoof phone numbers. Unfortunately, I've got things going on right now that some calls from, "private number", "anonymous", "unknown name", or, "wireless caller", are from people I need to talk with so I do pick up most calls. Sometimes I just pick up, but don't say anything and wait. Frequently, it's a robot and when they don't hear anything, they move on to their next victim. If it's a human, they'll usually say, "hello".

Today is Valentine Day, made up to boost sales by the card and candy companies. The Valentine candy at Walmart is down to the dregs, but I noticed yesterday that they're starting to put out the Easter candy. Eek  Yup, I saw candy eggs and Peeps already and it's not even Ash Wednesday yet.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and - 6 right now headed to about 20 this afternoon with some rather brisk breezes in the neighborhood of 30 mph. 37 for tomorrow.

Quiet day yesterday spent sniffling, coughing, and taking cold medications. Today I'll be watching one of the great-grandkids for a couple of hours while his mom goes to the local hospital. Her dad is having surgery and no one else is available.

Got a call from a close friend yesterday. Her husband has multiple myeloma. Radiation and chemo at the moment. Trying to find pain medications that will help. He's about 7 years younger than me.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning.  45 and who knows.  Sunny one minutes and then cloudy.  Suppose to be sunny.  45 may be the high.  Tom sending 22 for low tonight.  

Suppose to go to In-laws' house and clean out.  Father-in-law was collector.  Lots of junk and old good stuff.

Tom, prayers for your friend's hubby.  Hope you get well soon.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello Blue
We started the morning with bright sun @ 5 degrees, it's 12 now going to 20.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Back from Father-In-Law's.  Bet there is 6 flat screen TVs left there.  Wifey was throwing away an Echo Dot.  Grabbed it.  Works here [so we have another one].  Wifey goes wild throwing away stuff as she is mad at the folks that left.  [Her Nephew and his family who didn't pay rent or anything].  Propane delivered while we were there.  Good thing.  22 tonight.  Got heat back on and working.  Little heat pump for dinning room and kitchen would not have been enough.  Wifey had bought propane in November when Nephew moved as out.  [his Mom left company owing over 1K]  Have to had driver check each time he fills.  Shame.  Changed filters that were completely stopped up.  Got two big gold fish out of little yard pond.  They are now in Wifey's big pond.  Some missing.  Think racoons who visit there got them.  We did not go in "collectables" room upstairs or in the two big buildings out back.  

Wifey happy now.  She is napping.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 20 headed for cloudier and 35. Warm again tomorrow before rain/snow tomorrow night and Monday.

Had fun with my great-grandson yesterday. He already had a cold so now worries about infecting him. Investing tip - buy stock in facial tissue companies. It's truly amazing how much fluid can come out of nasal passages.

On tap for today is a basketball game for another great-grandson. Maybe some laundry also. Menards had a Black and Decker cordless drill on sale yesterday. After rebate it was $16. Identical to my old one which needed new batteries. Now I have two drills and one battery. Most people have one drill with two batteries.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. Got to stay away from Walmart and probably Walgreen's today. That's when they put out their Valentine's candy at half price. Valentine cards don't go bad, so they just stash them in the back room until around January 1st.

Gas prices here have taken a big, big tumble (a bit of sarcasm here). Most independents are selling regular at $2.959, down a whopping four cents. Icon_rolleyes Name brands though, are holding their own at $3.059. With some areas of the country selling at around $2.00, you have to wonder why we're getting picked on. Still, I'm glad we're not in California where I see some stations close to $4.00 a gal.

Have a great weekend everyone, and remember, we start the build challenge today, so pick your project and let us know about what you're going to be doing.....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Bright sun @ 17 degrees, going to 30 here in SE Mi.
Gas prices are from $2.19 and up. Seems to change every day, even by the hour.
Looking forward to the club meet tonight. This member has a nice layout so I expect a good attendance.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning.  Sunny and cold.  Glad not raining or worse.  Snow.  Not much on agenda.

Tom, little ones give us older folks colds.  They are germ magnets.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all. Suppose to be bright and sunny though Friday, then some rain. It could even hit 80 this week, the first of the year.

Spring Training is about to start, that's when you see bunches of guys with mitts waiting on the sidewalks around the fields for a fly ball to come over the fence heading their way. That has to be really exciting to stand there for hours, just waiting.  Hmmm, just noticed something, we've been taught that it's, "i before e except after c", but then there's, "their", making the foregoing statement totally incorrect. It's taken all these years to realize that.... Icon_e_surprised 

Just about done with my backdrop, back to doing scenery which I enjoy most of all.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
61 and partly cloudy.  Church and brunch with couple that has Italian restaurant in R'ville.  They are always giving me free meals or discounts.  I paid. 

Gro for Wifey as she is going to help clean out house in Louisburg.

Then paint the window thingy I did to storage area of garage.

Enjoy the day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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