The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, just like Frank, we've had a turn in our weather too. Just that ours was an upturn, we hit 82 yesterday, I had to keep myself from turning on the A/C in the house. We did have it on in the car though. Awesome Still looking at a serious downturn, Temps in the mid to high 60's starting tomorrow and a very high chance of rain for the weekend. A pity, I'm taking the van to the dealer's shop today and they always run it though their car wash before giving it back. And no, there's no room in the garage for anything other than the golf cart and my tools. Had the cart for our short stay in the retirement community and rarely use it now. Could use it for a snow plow like one that Frank has, but we haven't seen snow around here for a few years.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 17 this morning. It warmed up overnight. When i went to bed last night it was 10. Upper 30s today and mid 40s for the weekend. We'll be getting rid of a lot of snow over the next several days as daytime highs will be above freezing through next Tuesday.

Went to the gym and ran some errands yesterday. Stopped at a local grocery store and the place was packed. Aisles were clogged with old people. Found out later they were having a one day meat sale. Nothing major on the agenda for today.

Frank - the amount of snow in the picture is 15 minutes worth of shoveling around here. It takes a real snow to get out the snow blower.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Snow melted most places.  Highways clear except where poor maintenance and/or design causes puddling or draining across roadway.  Will be slick tomorrow AM.  

Had a kid do a presentation this AM.  Poor kid.  Not good.  Then Food Security meeting on feeding kids this summer in Raleigh.  Came home to take Wifey shopping all over north Raleigh and Sam's in Wake Forest.  Now home. 


Early out to do food packing for Rise Against Hunger.  Then go east to farms to put batteries in feeders and pull SD cards from cameras.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, yup, the 100 percenters were right, it's raining out right now. Probably most of the night as well. Refreshing for sure. Some Spring Training games have already been moved from afternoon to evening, hoping the rain stops by then.

Took the van to the dealer yesterday, "oh, that's normal", took me to another van to show me. In at 7:00, out at 7:05, and in my mind, I saved some $500 for repairs. 2285_ 2285_ Somehow, the noise isn't as loud anymore. Totally psychological, typically as when a hurt goes away as soon as the doctor says "it's nothing to worry about"...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 32 headed for sunny and 45. Gonna be a nice day.

Just back from basketball double header. Season is over for them Next up is soccer in about a month. It's good to see the kids out participating. Also good to see the families out supporting the kids in what ever activities they participate. Nothing on the agenda for today. Late this afternoon should find me on the front porch with my space heater, a Corona, and a book.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Home from the woods down east. Some water but not like usual this time of the year. Snow bend over some little pines. Hope sun pulls them back up. Was 51 degrees today.  44 now.

Could not believe that all the feeders still had corn. We had replenished 3. The other 2 still had some. Got SD cards replaced. Will download tonight.

Packed meals this AM until 10:30. Then I left. A little disorganized. Advertised as 9 AM. Got there. Oh, we are going to start at 9:30. At 9:45 leader started talking and would not stop yacking. undefined Finally started at 10:00. undefined Then we were putting bags of food [dried and dehydrated] in plastic containers [looked like bottom of plastic shoe boxes]. Kept running out of them so had to stop filling bags. Some folks walking around talking and socializing. undefined My buddy working next to me use to be an efficiency person. He was having a fit.

Now rest and relax. 9,000+ steps.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, Sunday, a day of rest they say. Nice rain yesterday, stopped early in the afternoon, caused them to cancel the local Spring Training game. Don't know about the others. We had almost an inch here, Phoenix got just over an inch, doubling the old record for that day. Still a slight chance for today. Tomorrow looks good to go target shooting, although there may be a few puddles and ruts to navigate once we get to where we shoot, with determination, we'll get there.

Remember, we've started a build challenge. So far we've had a few say that they're interested, but nobody has signed up yet. Now's your chance to be the first. Opportunities like this don't come along very often, so go sign up before someone else beats you to it.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 30 at the moment headed for sunny and near 50.

Went to a doubleheader basketball game yesterday morning and then to visit friend recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Very sad to see him struggling. This morning I'll head to Walmart to get oil and filter to change oil in his wife's Toyota. Could be quite interesting. Check out videos on You Tube. Toyota has taken a step backwards, going back to a cartridge filter rather than the spin on type used by virtually all other vehicles.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Just a quickie
Hello Blue
Sun and 50 today in lower Mich. Wow to  that.
Feeling bad. Old Jim has Strep throat. Got doctor meds yesterday as my old body doesn't seem to be fighting it off.
We had a good club meet last weekend, I'm wondering if that's where I caught this. No one seemed sick though.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning.  Sunny and 53.  Going into the 60's.  Slow getting around this AM.

Tom, who ever heard of that?  Even conversion kits for old tractors to go to spin on filters.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Been unseasonably warm here Smile Smile
Usually 10 degrees cooler, it was 55 this afternoon.

The weather guessers all said we would have a Normal Winter with Average snowfall.....
Unless we get 32 inches of snow in the next 3 weeks, they blew it!
I'm SO GLAD they messed that one up!

Rain is forecasted for a few days this week and a few days next week.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Good morning all, really pleasant day yesterday, suppose to be in the 60's, but was well into the 70's. We should be finished with rain for the month, two storms should have brought us about 2" here, and a good foot or more of snow up in the high country.

Heading out for some target shooting this morning. The rain map shows they had about 1/2" on Saturday, so the road could be a bit muddy, but passable. Yeah, I found a map that the county has showing all the rain gauges in the area and you can go back from 10 minutes to 7 days. Very nice since there is a gauge about 2 miles from our house and another one a few miles from where we go shooting.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning.  Slept until 9:30. Eek  Cloudy and guess what?  Chance of rain for the next three days.  Wifey said sprinkled earlier.  Guesser had said late this evening. Rolleyes  Cooked sausage biscuits.  Store rest to be beeped each morning.

Nothing on agenda.  Tomorrow, Caddy for service and warranty work.  County Veterans' Commission initial organizational meeting at 1.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

31 and clear at the moment with a predicted low tonight of around 27. High for tomorrow is supposed to be about 32.

Spent the day babysitting my 14 month old great-grandson. He's a very good baby and entertains himself almost completely. About all I have to do is feed and change him and make sure he doesn't gt into things he shouldn't. Tomorrow will be another day of the same activity.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, up early as usual. Did go target shooting yesterday. And yes, the road was muddy with lots of water-filled dips that even someone with a four-wheel drive would turn back. We did find a different route to get there and did have a great time, no wind, no bugs and just the right amount of heat. Glad though that no one keeps tabs on hits and misses, but you can't have a bad day doing things like running trains, working on your layout or going target shooting.

Temps are back up, the weather gal on channel 15 had a few days this week in the 80's, others were a bit more conservative. They all have rain in their forecasts for all of next week.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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