The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Light rain and 44 at the moment. The National Weather Service is claiming a high of 52 for later today with more chances for rain. Just had my first thunderstorm of the season. Some lightning, thunder, and moderate rain. More thunderstorms scheduled for later this afternoon. 40 mph winds, rapidly falling temperatures and snow predicted for overnight.

Tried to watch the second movie in the Harry Potter series and found out the Blueray player on my xbox no longer works, thanks to an update from our friends at Microsoft. Tried to order a player from Walmart for in store pick up. They said I could get it by next Wed. Canceled that. Went to the store, picked one off the shelf, paid at the electronics counter, and walked back out. Total trip including travel time 25 minutes.

Today I'll be going to the video store (if it's still open) for the third movie n the series. Also go for a nice long walk again (weather permitting) and need to seriously concentrate on laundry. I can't believe how much has piled up in the past week.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Beautiful day.  76 and sunny.  Go by a new GM.  0% and 84 months.  Crazy.

Got kids fed.  Two schools here in town are opening for drive thru for ALL kids under 18.

Latest rumor around here and Raleigh.  Trump activating NG and military.  Shutting down country for two weeks.  Go stock up.  Told big Raleigh business person, probably started by grocery chain.

Gas at one station in Kentucky $.99.

Crazy folks.

Don, picked up this from Gun Brokers.  Guy shipped with the new plastic case.

[Image: enhance]

Matches my lever action .22 Mag I bought in 1970.

[Image: enhance]

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks,

Rained overnight. Not sure what the rest of the day will bring but it is cloudy. Temp is 46 and they say it will go to 55.

Went to the pharmacy yesterday to pick up the wife's medication. More people in the store than I expected. While I was in there my daughter went to the pizza place down the street to get dinner. The lack of cars in the parking lots is surreal.

Want to take my wife's car out for a drive today. It has not been run in nearly a week.

Didn't do any modeling yesterday. I hope to do some today.

I hope everybody has a good day!
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
hi all . well were kind of soggy here with a slight chance of more rain tomorrow  , then there saying that were on for a dry spell , hope there right  I am getting tired of rain. going to  take a break from fly tying and paint some LPB's will post results tomorrow.
Greetings, gang.

Sunny, 30 and 30. Those are the words used to describe today's skies, temperature, and wind speed. I'm sure that will be 200% correct, just like yesterday's predicted high of 52 which actually turned out to be a high of 45. We did get lots of rain though. The rain made for a nice walk to the video store and a stroll around downtown for about an hour. Not many people out and about.

Also got the laundry caught up and watched the third installment of the Harry Potter series. I'll pick up the fourth one later today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, a bit windy and chilly yesterday, but no rain. Combining all the forecasts, there's a chance of rain for a few days next week. Just which days and the % chances are depending on which forecast you're looking at.

Saw an announcement on the news that even Walmart is opening later, but having a senior hour early. I wish someone would list the stores and what hour since some are earlier and on different days. Pat (Duffy) says that Hickman Farms are selling eggs directly, they have a few million egg-laying chickens and say they have no shortage. Gunna look into that since eggs are one of the few staples that we don't have more than a week's worth on hand. Otherwise, we're going to be eating soup and pasta for breakfast. Eek Our Governor is shutting down theaters and bars, but still allowing restaurants to choose to stay open for now. We now have 41 cases of the virus out of over 7,000,000 people spread out over the state. Unlike NYC with that many people in just a few square miles and hundreds of cases. The TV news yesterday was completely about the virus, no shootings, robberies, accidents or sports. Long press conferences and interviews and personal opinions.

Frank, nice guns, twins. That looks a lot like a J. C. Higgins lever-action .22 that I had years ago. I should have kept it, but traded it in for a semi-auto.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
It's supposed to go to 70 degrees here this afternoon. First 70 degree day since October 2019.

Lots of things shut down, including my place..
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Hello Blue
Sun and 64 BUT going down through the day to 20s overnight.
No TP to be found and now the store shelves are empty of food. Wednesday we did get eggs, milk and bread from Kroger but no food most would normally buy. 
Yes we do have a couple stores that will be offering early shopping for seniors If you get up at 6:30 and go.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks,

Right now it is 64 heading up to 75 with a chance of thunder boomers. Fog was real thick this morning at 5 AM when I let the dog out. Could barely see the house across the street.

As Mikey said pretty much everything is closed. I do have to go out to the grocery store later to grab a few things.

No modeling last night.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Checking in. Was 85 and the pine trees are exploding with yellow "smoke". Just what we need.

Delivered 50 bags of 4 meals each to one trailer park in town. 98% Hispanic. Had a Panamanian lady helping me [one of our key Human Services employees]. Then 100 hot meals to a trailer park in the middle of no where. 99.9% Hispanic. Go to door with meals. Some would not open the door and could hear kids inside. "Vielka, help!" She would go to the door and speak Spanish and the door would open. Mom would take the food and say thank you in Spanish. Vielka said they were afraid the white guy might have "papers". Sad. Folks have to live in fear. Reward was seeing kids smile and Moms too. All very gracious and said thank you. Lots said, "God bless you." Some kids would not open the door when both parents were working. Been told not to open the door to strangers. Get neighbor to help us. Back Monday and Tuesday.

Now R&R.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 26 outside my window this morning. High for today is supposed to be in the upper 30s. Rain chances tomorrow night and Monday.

I did get out for a little yesterday. Walked to the video store which is 8 blocks south of me. Going there wasn't too bad but walking home into the north wind was downright, um..chilly. Big excitement for today is probably going to be taking a longer walk.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, strange times we're living in right now. Frank, I'm glad that you're willing and able to help, not too many want to, some just want to get what they can and ignore those in need. Thank you for doing this Frank.... Worship Worship

As for those that went crazy with toilet paper and other things at Costco, their new policy is to not take returns on a list of items that some people hoarded during this crises. Good for them, stick it to those that now have a ten-year supply of TP and hand sanitizer. Got to Walmart yesterday about fifteen minutes after they opened. Many people leaving with packs of TP, rolls of paper towels, cases of water and other scarce products. By the time I got there, the only TP they had was tiny packs of four rolls. One pack per person, one each of most every item in the store with checkout folks making sure you comply. We're OK for a while, but I told our lady friend that if I found any TP, that I'd buy some for her since there's little sense taking her to Costco like she wanted. Got a list of stores opening early for seniors. We don't need much, but I might give it a try next week.

Back into the 70's for a few days, maybe some rain next week, maybe not, going target shooting on Monday, hope the guessers are wrong since that's the next day we're suppose to have rain. Waiting
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Cloudy and 40 for today.
Our daughter found some TP at Sam's club BUT NO FOOD. The shelves are empty. She split the pack with us so we have 2 pkgs of 9 rolls each. SIL was to go out this morning trying to find food at some of the smaller stores. Not on lock down yet but I think the governor is leaning that way. TOO much power in the hands of one person.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
63 and rainy. Temps to drop. 50's tomorrow and rainy. Not out in the rain feeding kids today. Going to FIL's to help Wifey and in-laws clean out "stuff". 

Funny. Youngest SIL's son bought a "tactical gun". "It goes ching ching." Sure its an 870. Knows nothing about guns. Guy sold him 3" shells and its a 2 3/4". "Can you get him some tactical shells?" [BTW: He is in his 30's, OH he is the good Nephew]

Big thingy on TV. Kids using internet for schooling. Sorry. Kids down east don't have internet nor cable. Actually, some in rural Wake Co. don't have both. Spectrum says not cost effective to install plant. If not, CenturyLink. About as good a dial up if it works. Horrible. I saw a thing on Next Door about Hues [sp] Net. Said horrible and unreliable. Neighbor at the lake had it. Was expensive and just like satellite TV. Clouds or rain, no service.

Hope all have a great day and stay well and safe.

PS: Big question????? Is hunting and fishing against the "rules"? Trying to feed your families.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks,

It is a chilly 47 with a supposed high of 66.

My son had a problem with the screen on his phone. We had to travel to Delaware to find a T-Mobile store that was open. Unfortunately they could not fix and have to send him a new one. Luckily he can still use which is good since he needs it for his job. The roads were empty this morning on the trip down. The Concord Mall was closed and the parking lot empty expect for the T-Mobile store. The new grocery store, Sprouts, next to the mall was packed with cars.

Worked some with the new airbrush. I am shocked with how much I have forgotten and my the loss of my skills. Going to take some time before I am comfortable with it again.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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