The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, starting to warm up. Here we are at 5:00 in the morning and it's already 60 outside. We hit 90+ on Wednesday and stay that way until we start pushing 100 by the end of the month. AccuWeather is the only one that shows any chance of rain (1-5%) this coming week and I'm not sure why they even bother.

There is loose talk about opening a few things up by the end of the month here, maybe restaurants for eat in. Right now you can play golf and hike the trails, just don't get too close. Just observing people that are out, I see maybe 25% using face masks and just a few with a mask and gloves on. Went to the ortho doctors a few days ago, one doctor had a mask on, the other one didn't and very few nurses and those behind the reception desks (yeah, it's a big place) had masks on. Don't know if that's how it is in other places, just that is what I see here.

Disclaimer: This observation has an error rate of around 50% and is limited to the Post Office, Walmart, a Fry's grocery store, a few joggers and one doctor's office.  Waiting
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 36 outside my window this morning with a predicted high of 65 and windy (30+ mph). So sayeth the National Weather Service.

Got the yard waste hauled yesterday. A little different from previous experience. Used to have to sign in to make sure it was city people only. Now the attendant just directs you to the appropriate pile. No passing the clipboard back and forth. After that I stopped at Office Max and picked up a usb drive ($2 cheaper than Walmart) ad a wi-fi range extender. Reception on the patio has always been a little spotty and this should help.

Don't know what's on the agenda for today other than a walk but whatever I do it will be outdoors.

Gas was $1.16 when I was out and about yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Sun and 50 for today.
Yesterday was weird weather wise. I have seen lot's of wet snowfalls but we had wet snow all day on Friday. More like rain.
Our dictator governor has us locked down tight. About the only thing we are still allowed to do is breath. Howls of protest but she won't budge.

TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Afternoon.  Slept really late as raining hard.  Animals too.  Wifey spent the night at her sister's.  Phone calling woke us up.  Cooked sausage biscuits.  Made be a big patty like a hamburger.  Put on hamburger bun with cheese and egg.  Brunch.  Now to clean kitchen.  

Rain seems to have stopped.  67 degrees.

Disked garden yesterday afternoon.  Got more meals to deliver so did that as a drive-thru.   Folks were lined up when I got to the school. 

Stay well.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is a chilly and raw 44.

I had hoped to feed the lawn this morning before the rain. The rain, however, started before dawn and continued until just before noon. Will try again tomorrow or Monday. Did so,e cleaning in the attic. Hauled out two large trash bags after an hour. Many more to go.

Finished weathering my new Lehigh & Hudson River caboose. I found 8 more PS-2 covered hoppers and two ACF covered hoppers in the pile. Started weathering wheels and trucks for four of the PS-2 covered hoppers.

I am going to head downstairs and run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
hi all , hope your safe and sound . spent the last two days on my annual  paint bottle maintenance found I still have around 12 or so  10 cent bottles of pactra and a few 19 cent bottles of pactra and 8 15 cent bottles of testors  moving on now to the floquil collection which seems to get smaller every year. last time I put gas in car it was 2.24 but that was 2 weeks ago.
Good morning everyone. Remember in the Polar Express movie, the waiters came out dancing and singing, "Hot, hot, hot?" Well they would be performing here if they weren't in lockdown. Eek I see nothing but 90's in the forecasts for the next two weeks and beyond, up to 98-99 on a few days. Record highs around this time are all over 100, so it is possible to hit 100 on one of those days.

Took a little time to get some of the bigger weeds out of the yard before the HOA weed police cited us. Had two of them growing between some cactus, tricky to get out even for the experienced yard folks, of which I am not. Best left to the professionals, but I got what I could of them. Hoping that yard service will be an "essential service" soon. Seems like our governor is toying with loosening up a bit on what can open. Too many small businesses are hurting, and in my opinion, these folks deserve an extra stimulus check. Going to try to get more take-out to support them as best I can. I can remember the depression and standing in line for food. I was way too young to understand then, but apparently, we've got the same situation now. One person said they were in line for 18 hours before they got their food box. Another said she had four kids at home and nothing to feed them. I guess being on Social Security and being able to go to the grocery store isn't so bad after all.....

Gas around here is still a good $1.00 a gallon higher than most other places. There are some obscure spots around the state that are below $1.50, but it would take a half a tank of gas just to get there from here...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Wow, outside work galore. We hauled old limbs from big oak around front to the pond woods. Young man and his GF were in small plastic/vinyl boat fishing in the pond. Had a nice trolling motor attached.

We came back with tailgate full of rocks [some big]. Wifey stacks them around the pond and makes borders for flower gardens. We dug up plants and moved them. Cut trench in front of shelter for the rain that was to start at 2. Had filled in over the years. No, no rain yet. Just clouds.

Wifey has roast, potatoes, onions and carrots cooking in the crock pot. Smells great. She is frying hotdogs [what I did for dinner late last night] for a snack. We both are running on empty.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and just had a brief rain shower pass through on its way southeast. 40 now with clearing skies and 65 predicted for later today.

Had a moderately productive day yesterday. Goofed off in the morning and then went for a 2 mile walk and a 5 mile bike ride. Then I disassembled the park bench by the back door and started sanding it. More work on that today. May also make a run to Menards for stain and outdoor varnish. I hope all are doing well.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, bright and sunny says the forecast. It's 61 right now and it's only 5:00 AM, seems like just a few weeks ago, that was the high for the day. Still looking at 90's in a day or two, 100's by next week.

Protesters driving around the state capitol here, just like in other states. People are getting antsy, wanting to go back to work, wanting to be able to do things without restrictions. Our only trip yesterday was to go pick up some Mexican food. Somehow, bringing restaurant food home to eat, just doesn't cut it. Either eat from Styrofoam boxes, or glop it onto a plate and now you have some dishes to wash, which is one of the reasons why you eat out in the first place. This place had plexiglass between the customer and workers. Your order is sitting on a counter near the door, just a little slot opening by the register so they can take your money, it just seems like we're in a different world than we were brought up in. All Walmart employees are required to wear masks as of today. I went to the Post Office and left my mask in the truck and got a few ugly stares. I say ugly, but I didn't actually see their faces, just their eyes. Icon_cry

Have a great day, and do something different to keep from going stir-crazy. Me, I'm trying to work on my "One foot", challenge and I might take another crack at taking down a few more weeds on the front lawn.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun and 40s today.
Don you can't hide ugly behind a mask. You
Our last trip to Walmart saw at least half of the employees working without mask. My PG niece is also working without a mask but if she gets sick she will blame it on the customers. 
I'm gonna need a home haircut soon, it can't wait till our dictator allows business's to reopen.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
RAINING.  Nothing bad here as guessed.  Just wet.  Better than drought.  Get moving in a few.  Enjoyed resting and coffee.

Protesters at Capital today.  Hope they get soaked.  Wifey wishes worse on them.  One of the leaders WAS a friend of ours.  8 months ago she went too far right.  So far, the right is rolling their eyes at her.  Told us she was not having anything to do with us.  SAD.  Sent County Commissioners an email last week.  She was not following any rules and she would do what she wanted when she wanted.    

Understand the MI fishermen launched their motor fishing boats and fished in protest of rules against motorized fishing boats.  I do agree.  You can launch your boat and fish using social distancing.

Feeding email asked if feeding was canceled due to rain.  Reply was get big umbrellas.  Can't believe someone with Human Services asked that question.  They are getting paid to feed.  Not us volunteers. 

Stay well.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 49 going up to 60.

The wife and I assembled her new potting bench yesterday. I have to glue a couple of spots where the wood split a little. Then she will paint it.

I did some weathering last night on some more covered hoppers. Hope to continue today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning everyone, another day in paradise. Those TV ladies are now saying we will hit 90 tomorrow and 100 this weekend. Big quandary, do we turn on the A/C this early, the heat still is coming on in the morning and I hate to have to switch back and forth between them everyday. Mostly though, I hate the high power bills this early from using the A/C. Rates are up again, so we're probably looking at close to $400 a month this summer.

Today is Senior Tuesday at Walmart and a few other grocery stores. Still don't need a lot of anything so I think we'll skip that again.

Oil is at an all-time low, gas is selling for around a dollar a gallon in some places around the country, except here in the Phoenix area where it's still over $2.00. Costco is down to $1.89, still too far to drive to save anything, but it's getting close. We still have a few stations selling at $2.39, I just don't understand why.... Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 32 headed for sunny and 62 later on. Rain chances start tomorrow evening and last through Friday.

Went to Menards yesterday to get stain, varnish, sandpaper, and stainless steel hardware for the park bench. As I was getting out of the car I realized I had left the sample hardware at home. Guess there's another trip to Menards in my future. Oh, darn! I did get most of the bench sanded yesterday and also had a nice chat with a neighbor.

Today I'll finish sanding and start staining. First I'll have to rig up something to hold the boards while they are being stained. I'll probably have to leave the car out of the garage for a few days. As I was typing the last sentence I just figured out how to hang the boards and still have room for the car. Yay, me! Also on the agenda for today are a bike ride (to Menards) and a walk.

All stay safe.


Forgot to add that gas price here jumped 9¢ yesterday. I figure it's reverse psychology. They want everyone to buy out of fear that the price will go even higher.
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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