UP SD40-2's NEW Layout
Looking good!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Thank you Wayne & Mike! Icon_e_biggrin 

OH my, David, DONT say that Icon_e_surprised  Icon_lol , NOT ready to move for a looonnnggg time.

Well, I have went about as far as I can go on this area until I can get some park benches, some more large trees, decent looking brush/bushes, and I have really had my eye on a UPS truck, CRIPES, I just need the hobby shop to open, come on friggin Illinois. I wish their was a good hobby shop here in WI close to me, but sadly all the close hobby shops are in Rockford Ill. about 15-20 mins away, closest one in WI is 45 min away.

Not going to repost pics, but if you look at my last post, HERE is as far as I have gotten this week...
[Image: hWSCkeR.jpg]

[Image: EEVATyG.jpg]

Bringing some more green into the GERN area really brought it to life, well, I thought so anyways...
[Image: MgiBM63.jpg]
EDIT: Never thought about it till just looking at that pic, but some of you must be saying, "Deano, how the heck do the employees at GERN get there? Where is the parking area?" I'll have to show you guys in the next post, we are actually looking at the back of GERN, I have a truck delivery area and part of the parking lot on the other side of the complex, like I said, I'll post a pic in the next thread.

Next, well now I have to tackle the engine yard, the left side of this pic brings me to the threshold of it...
[Image: 7W3nvo8.jpg]

Not finished with the area by a long shot, but at least I have another area to the point that I can take some pics of a new area, as to try and not bore you with the same old pics. Here are a few shots in the new area...
[Image: sW9G6sm.jpg]

[Image: 2cmeeiC.jpg]

[Image: CSzZeSB.jpg]

[Image: gpexTQn.jpg]

I have made a list of stuff I really need to put me about right, 6 pieces of flex track, 8 large tress, park benches, good looking brush/bushes, and the UPS truck I mentioned earlier, that stuff would do wonders for the layout now. But untill then, I have tons of ties and rails to paint, loads of other scenery projects that I DO have the materials for to do. I also have a lot of engines that need repairs, broken railings, sun shades broken off, plows and hoses missing, cripes, just so much LOL!! I have 5 UP SD40-2's that are not on the layout I really am dieing to get fixed up before I do the other engines.

Well, anyways, there I am for now, till next time...
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
Hey, Deano, you may think that you need more stuff, and that's probably true for most of us, but you've shown us some very nicely-done scenes with your latest efforts.  I wish I could accomplish as much as you do.

(05-29-2020, 06:55 PM)UP SD40-2 Wrote: ...EDIT: Never thought about it till just looking at that pic, but some of you must be saying, "Deano, how the heck do the employees at GERN get there? Where is the parking area?" I'll have to show you guys in the next post, we are actually looking at the back of GERN, I have a truck delivery area and part of the parking lot on the other side of the complex, like I said, I'll post a pic in the next thread.....

I think that a lot of GERN installations may prompt viewers to wonder about how the heck the LPEs (Little Plastic Employees) get into their workplace.   I'm sure that many folks think that mine must swim into work from nearby Lake Erie, but in-truth, the modelled portion of GERN Industries in Port Maitland represents only a third of the actual plant, with a large pier servicing the lake boats that come for loading, and of course there are more storage silos on the pier, and there's quite a bit more of the processing plant just beyond that, with parking for several thousand cars.

Well, that's my story on it, anyway....and it doesn't even take into account the flux mine, most of it several hundred feet below Lake Erie, and extending south for over three miles.

Beautiful pics!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Gets better all the time Deano---great scenes and I'm becoming a big "Uncle Pete" fan with all that classic motive power.
Impressive, no other way to say it.... Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
The workers at my GERN plant all arrive by train. The service is so fantastic (3% better) that none arrive by automobile.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Thank you so much guys, for all the very kind words, funny, its you guys work and skills that I strive to be like/as good as, Thank you. Worship  Icon_e_smile


Well, Illinois court has over turned Gov Pritskers friggin plans to totally run Illinois right into the ground with a lock down until Nov. , thank god that didnt happen. "Deano what the heck does this have to do with anything?" well, last friday some businesses were able to "kind of" open in Illinois, like THE HOBBY SHOP!, well, you cant go in and brows(thats total BS...can ya tell I'm a bit mad? ) , but you can call in an order and go pick it up, so thats what I did. 

I was glad because I wanted to support local businesses, I really didnt want to order online from a "big box" company. Anyways, I ordered 8 sections of flex track, the UPS truck, and had the kid there brought out trees for me to look at. I felt bad for the kid because he ran in and out of the store with trees to show me about 4 times, cripes...I have no words...anyways, he kept bringing out O gauge trees, but I figured the heck with it, the kid is trying hard so I'll just cut them down and they will work, and they did. The cool thing was they had 4 birch trees, AWESOME, Wisconsin has birch trees, so cool, I bought them all. I totally forgot to get park benches, but no big deal, at least I got the track, YEAH!!! It was just driving me nuts to not be able to run my trains around the whole layout, NOW I can fix the sections of track on my "swing bridge" so I can easily get in and out of the layout. 

I also got some extra pieces of track to put two of them on top of my mountain, like its the end of a yard or something to that effect, this way I can put a couple more cars/engines on the layout so I dont have to dig them out of a box to run them. I was going to do a camp ground up there, but I can have that in an other area, I think I need that real estate for storage instead. I still should have a little track left just in case I come across another "track emergency" too....hey, its me, so thats possible LOL!!

PICS!! Yes, this is really the front side of GERN, where the truck deliveries and a vast parking lot exists...well, simulated. I dont think you guys have ever seen this area so here's a shot....
[Image: 7dRllyh.jpg]

Obviously UP is the class1 road on my layout, but just like it really is here in Southern WI, it is on my layout, UP is the class one road, and WSOR is the regional road. I have four WSOR engines, and run them very often, usually on the inside line, while UP runs on the outside line most of the time. So, two WSOR engines get the spotlight today in the pics below...
[Image: 79coZZG.jpg]

[Image: biCFq2Q.jpg]

[Image: rZDKK4y.jpg]

[Image: KQV5XGL.jpg]

Sorry about the rant part of todays post, you guys know I have no filter Icon_redface Misngth , till next time....
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
Great pictures, Deano, and it's good to see the other side of your GERN plant, too...that may be the only one I've ever seen.   Misngth

(05-31-2020, 10:51 AM)doctorwayne Wrote: Great pictures, Deano, and it's good to see the other side of your GERN plant, too...that may be the only one I've ever seen.   Misngth


Thanks Wayne! Icon_e_biggrin , glad to know I have made a GERN milestone!  Thumbsup Icon_mrgreen 357

OK, last post/shot for the week, seems this thread has kinda turned into a weekend blog for me Misngth .
Anyways, I have six articulated steamers that seem to always steal the show as far pics go, so this one is for Wayne and ED, the two most steam guys I have had the pleasure of knowing Icon_e_biggrin  . UP F-E-F 840, this is actually the only steamer I have that has an oil tender, making it most accurate for running today...but we'll just overlook that small detail on my other steam engines Misngth  . (BTW, check out my NEW birch tree, can you see it? )
[Image: hJWKXrP.jpg]
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
I've always thought those U.P. FEFs to be both attractive and brutish-looking at the same time - pretty-much all business.

That birch tree does look good, Deano, not just its shape and foliage, but also the size.  A lot of HO scale trees, while suitable for small layouts, don't always look to-scale in larger scenes.

After this week, deep into the car yard there are just a couple small areas that need ground cover, you cant see them, but that is all thats left. After I finish that, then its time to take an area at a time and go into deep detail...but that wont be for a bit, have to fix some track first, and I think I am going to make my billboard, fix up broken parts on some engines, ect.

I have a good start on this area...
[Image: tRqo64E.jpg]

Then I moved on to the engine yard this past week. This area is so far from being even remotely close to prototypical, hey, I really messed up on the track plan on this side of the layout, but thats just to bad, I'm not going to redue it, while not right, it will work for me Misngth .  All the engine yard and most all of the car yard have ground cover now...
[Image: nNFcJfE.jpg]

[Image: O27lM4D.jpg]

A couple random shots in the newly worked on area...
[Image: nRjmwM9.jpg]

[Image: SMamePA.jpg]

Closest to us, SD70M #4674 with an SD70ACE #8455 on the other side of it...
[Image: NbOGtcn.jpg]

Thats the progress I made this week folks Icon_e_biggrin , till next time...
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
Deano---I always look forward to updates on your layout.It seems to me every week just gets better and better and then you add something that totally blows my mind---talk about a "hard act to follow"---you're the Man. Worship
Your layout is really looking great. It is so nice to have you back at Big Blue
This is one sweet looking layout. I am loving all the different UP power and the structures.
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