The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Hello Blue
Temps near 90 the last couple days. For here that's warm. 
Storm front blew through during the night. The winds were roaring but the rain passed north of us. Not a drop.
Protest in Detroit after the first night have been controlled and fairly peaceful. Lot's of arrest though for being out after curfew. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Happy Birthday Chief Eagles!!
2296_ 2296_ 
1990_dancing 1990_dancing 
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Happy birthday, Frank!

Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 66 at the moment with a estimated high near 90 again. 50% chance for some storms late this afternoon and evening.

Fairly productive morning yesterday. Got the yard mowed and sidewalk cleaned up before I went to the gym. After the gym i got the bug spray on the yard. The afternoon was a rest and recuperate time. No walk or bike ride. Just too hot out. I'll get in a bike ride and maybe a walk this morning before it gets too warm. Also need to stop at Walmart and the sporting goods store. May try to get the drone out for some test flying this afternoon - well away from trees and bushes.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, and a Happy Birthday to you Frank..... Hope there's enough places open to where you are to be able to celebrate.

Another day close to 110, then we have a break. No rain, but temps in the mid-90's for a few days. Target shooting still on the agenda for Sunday. I just hope we get out there before the weekend shooters do. They not only leave a mess, but they are dangerous and careless on how they handle their firearms. We're headed out at 6AM to avoid the crowd and the heat.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Thanks gang.  No fried gizzards or hotdogs today.  Wifey has pizza planned as she is working.  

Resting up form back injections.  Not bad just no stooping, reaching or lifting until Sunday.  Works great.  No surgery.

87 and sunny.  Humid.  No rain guessed.  May have to water by Saturday.  Yes, after inches of rain last week.

Garden growing fast.  Tomatoes over shoulder high.  Almost see them grow.  Peppers have blooms.  Everything else growing.  Even have a peanut growing [squirrels planted].  

Hope all have a great day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 85 and very humid. We expect storms again today. We had two nasties yesterday. The afternoon one was a lot of thunder and lightening with rain and wind. The evening storm was more powerful. At one point we were under a tornado warning. During the warning we could hear a constant roar toward the east where the tornado was spotted on radar. The roar went on for a good twenty minutes.

I did get one the MDC/Roundhouse wood reefers built. I have one more to go and a northeast caboose.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning everyone, the end of the workweek for most, that is if you aren't still in some sort of lockdown.

Today is the last of the 100+ temps for a few days, then back up to our normal. No rain for the foreseeable future, except that AccuWeather still sticks to a 1% chance on most days. That gives them a edge just in case a freak storm passes through, they've predicted that. If not, they're still 99% accurate. Hah, a profession where you can't be wrong. I should have been a weathercaster, I've made too many mistakes over the years guessing wrong and could have used the protection of "1% chance of (fill in the blank) happening".... Icon_rolleyes

Still got terrorists, thugs and thieves posing as protesters in parts of the country. A real pity that some businesses are trying to get back on their feet from the virus shutdowns, then these thugs come through and put them out of business entirely. A business owner tries to defend his possessions with a gun and gets arrested for that, mobs run around stealing and firing weapons, and they get a free pass because they're "protesting".

Went to the big Walmart yesterday, shelves are filling back up, especially in the paper goods aisles. Stopped at Home Depot and had to wait in line as they let in a few at a time as others left. I saw no difference inside except that the checkout lines were long and undefined. I spotted a self-check with no one in line and got out of there fairly quickly.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Slept late.  Now goofing off.  Sunny and 80.  May mow again and then water veggies.  First Friday off from feeding in months [we did it Tuesday]. 

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 78 headed for sunny and 87. The humidity is running neck and neck with the temperature at 77%. Had a storm move through yesterday evening. Half inch of rain, pea sized hail, almost continuous thunder and 35-40 mph winds. All in about a half hour. No major damage reported.

Yesterday didn't go quite as planned. I did get in an hour long walk early in the morning. Just as I got back from that I got a call from some friends who are signing up for Medicare and supplemental insurance. Helped as best I could on that. Then watched the Guv's news conference. By the time that was over it was already 90 outside so the bike ride got canceled. Found out the friend who is undergoing chemo needed salt for his water softener. Went to Menards this morning and got 2 50 lb bags. Delivered those after I went to the gym. Not sure what I'm going to do yet this afternoon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Alright you slackers!  Time to rise and shine!

Greetings, gang.  

Partly cloudy and 66 at the moment with a predicted high in the mid 80s with continued partly cloudy skies.  Just had a small thunderstorm move through, leaving behind a quarter inch of rain.  Tomorrow and Monday could be nasty with highs in the 90s and high humidity.  May have to turn on the air conditioner.

I didn't do much yesterday afternoon other than run to the grocery store for a few items, including some corn on the cob for supper.  Today's to-do list will consist of a walk, a bike ride, and the laundry.  I did send the new drone up last night around sunset.  Below is the first picture.  May play with it some more today.  Gas price jumped yesterday another dime.  Up to $2.04

All stay safe.


Attached Files Image(s)
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. Rise and shine Tom? We slept in late this morning, didn't get up until close to 4:30, that's the rise part, the shine part, well that's been happening later and later in the day, if at all..... Icon_rolleyes

Temps dropping below 100 today for a few days, we're headed out tomorrow early for some target shooting with a buddy. Unusual that we do it on Sunday, but that's the only day that we both have free right now and we want to take advantage of the cooler days while we can.

Gas here has been holding steady at $2.25, some are up a few cents from that, name brands are around $2.45. We never got as low as other parts of the country, no one can or will explain why.

Protest here are peaceful, they all go home at the 8PM curfew. The one shopping mall in Scottsdale will remain closed for at least 10 days to repair all the damage done by looters and thugs....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
My "Cat alarm" woke me around 6... She was apparently hungrl=y and I wasn't up yeat bacause this is not a work day.
She dosen't care about that, when she's hungry Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Got up at 8.  Been drinking coffee and looking at the news.  George Floyd is in NC.  Did a walk about out back looking at gardens.  Now getting ready to goof off today.  May mow again and water as guessed storms never came.  Guessed again for this evening.  ????

Don't forget D Day.  Seems young folks don't recognize things like that anymore. 

Seems good to not be rushing around with things to do.  Did go to Walmart yesterday.  Folks are funny [I guess you say that].  Seems all about themselves. 

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
well hi all . back up again after over doing it doc had me confined to bed for 21 days as I was too active and leg swelled up bad calf was 8 inches over its normal size , so now i'm back to sitting till end of month . doc said if I don't behave they are going to have to operate to remove clot . 

top if you like them old roundhouse kits I can set you up with some that not only have a  die cast  floor but ends ,  sides and roof as well. Smile
Good morning all, up at the usual time, heading out at 6 for some target shooting and breakfast afterward. Want to shoot while it's still a bit cooler.

I wonder when the looting and destruction will stop in the name of a issue that has no bearing on why they're doing what they're doing. We have a movement now to defund the police who are trying their best to control this anarchy. What we really need to defund are some of the politicians, a few mayors, some governors and a bunch of congresspeople in Washington. If we could get rid of a few people that run HOA's, that too would be a blessing.... Applause 

So much for that, yeah Frank, very little notice of D-Day. They said there was but one person on the beach to honor those that fought there so many years ago. Maybe we should fly some of those looters there to bring them back to reality as to why they're still free to do what they're doing..... Waiting
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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