The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Morning. Sunny and 79 degrees. Seems some little noreasterner came by last night. Left us with about 3.5" of rain. Sure didn't like us so it took off up north. Funny hearing this little reporter lady [not from NC] reporting excitedly about wind blowing at the Outer Banks. It blowing the water out of the sound and on to the road [flooding the road]. Folks driving through it as they are use to that with a north easterner.

Got lots of little limbs to pick up around front. Willow oaks do that. Sometimes without wind.

Buddy at the farms said this AM, "we dodged the bullet". Could not see damage anywhere. I'll have to go down east and see. Didn't lose power.

Wifey packing for the trip to Atlanta.

I will have to mow grass again. Actually could have yesterday but didn't have time. Wait a minute. I just mowed Friday afternoon late.

Enjoy the day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Bertie Co. [farther east than my farms] had two small mobile home parks destroyed. Helicopter shows nothing recognizable. The frames are not frames. Out across soybean field they are just long strings of metal. 1 dead and 3 missing. Don't see how anyone survived. No foundations. Just bare ground where the mobile homes were sitting. Strange thing. Bertie Co. is mainly rural fields and trees. Cluster communities. The tornado just dropped down right were these mobile homes were. Two sitting untouched and the rest gone. Unbelievable.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
We made it through... The storm passed right over us. We usually get 1" of rain in a day. Yesterday we got 6" in 2 hours! Lots of blocked roads, fallen trees and flooding. Lots of flooded basements too. We had a bit of water come under our back door, but not much thank goodness.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 54 headed for partly cloudy and 75 later today.

Well, my day certainly didn't go as well as I had hoped! Went to Des Moines to pick up a special wrench for the indoor trains. It was lost by UPS. The store will be shipping one directly to my house. Supposed to be here today. Went to Harbor Freight to get some more rope lights for the back yard and Guess what? They were out! Just one of those days. I went to Jordan Creek Mall (a somewhat fancy mall in West Des Moines) and looked through some stores. Didn't find anything interesting. The only thing I bought was a strawberry shake for the trip home. On the bright side I did stop at Papa Murphy on the way home for a pizza.

Only thing on the agenda for today is a trip to the gym. I may also go for a bike ride this afternoon.

Gas price jumped 13 cents over the weekend.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, It's a crazy time right now. Battling storms on the east cost, extreme high temps and no rainfall here in the southwest and who knows what everyplace else. Gas going up in one place, down in another. Gas actually dropped two cents in the last few days, still high though at $2.41 at independent stations higher at name brands.

Had primary elections here yesterday, Sheriff Joe, "the toughest sheriff in the country", (his words), is running neck-to-neck for the Republican nomination for his old job, too close to call. Kind of ironic when you think about it....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
85 and sunny. Not as hot today but humid [all this water has to evaporate]. Think storm took hot air to the North.   

Do NOT have to take chemo tablets on Saturday nights anymore.  Applause  Only real reaction is feel like crap on Sundays. No alcohol as I reacted badly with to it. Lady Dr. and hubby [he is a Dr. too] going back to Berkley where they moved her from. Hubby got super big offer. He is a cardiologist. Now if I can get the back thing fixed without surgery. Injections this afternoon.

Go pick tomatoes for the lady that checks me in at back Dr.'s. She insists on her [not the other lady] checking me in and out. Bribe them with tomatoes.

Chewed butt in Human Services Live Well Wake leadership team meeting. Ignoring my Hispanic community.

Stay well and safe.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 81 heading to 85 and no rain.

Isaias dumped a bunch of rain on us. I spent most of yesterday dealing with water in the basement. It was bad but we had worse before we had the house repointed. We did not loose anything just some extra cardboard boxes I was meaning to get rid of. The real damage was to the pergola which was destroyed. The wind and the rain caused it to collapse. Today's chore is to begin disassemble it.

I did get some modeling in. I built three Accurail PRR 40 FT wood reefers, a MDC/Roundhouse PRR wood express reefer, and a MDC/Roundhouse Central Vermont reefer. I finished adding the last parts to the two Accurail Lehigh & New England wood outside truss boxcars. I also added the ladders to a MDC/Roundhouse Reading NE caboose. I also pained the ladders and handrails. I need to hit them all with Dullcoat before weathering.

Here is what's left of the pergola.

[Image: 0gPGPIQ.jpg]

[Image: ssTxBQA.jpg]

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
TomPM, why we have a little well in the low corner of the basement.  Sump pump.  Then two bilge pumps with deep cycle battery backup incase power is out].  We did pretty good until Fran and Floyd.  Seemed to open up some holes for water.  Big gutters with plastic pipes on end of downspouts helps.  Gets water off of roof away from house and down hill.   

Good luck with the cleanup.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, still dark outside, I guess I'm up a bit early, just have lots to do today. Suppose to be a bit cooler today, around 107, they keep showing rain down around Tucson and up north and to the east of us, just nothing in our area until the end of next week, and that has to be what we call, "an educated guess". Even then, it's only a 10% chance.

Sheriff Joe is still in the race with some 100,000 ballots yet to be counted. I have to wonder why, in today's multi-gigabyte world, does it take so long to count ballots that were mailed in weeks ago, no more hanging chad to look for, just slip the ballots in the machine when they get there, same goes for polling places. We should have an accurate count minutes after the polls close. Joe is behind by a few hundred votes, he's also says that he's surprised that he's not ahead with a giant lead. Joe is as old as I am, and he needs to get a hobby.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 67 headed for sunny and 77. 90 by Saturday.

Did not have a good day yesterday. Started swimming and pulled a muscle in my shoulder. Only managed 4 laps before it got too bad. Came home a took a cyclobenzapropene (sp?) and all it did was put me to sleep for a couple of hours. Later I tried some aspirin and a heating pad. Again no luck. This morning I'll try some ibuprofen to see if that helps. Otherwise I'll just have to tough it out. Up next is a trip to Walmart.

Frank - congrats on the last of the chemo pills.

Don - invite Sheriff Joe over for a cup of coffee and get him hooked on trains.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good afternoon folks

It is 79. We had a round of thunderstorms roll through this morning. We may have some more tonight and tomorrow.

I got the pergola dismantled. Some guy driving by asked if he could take the scrap. Of course I said yes. It has turned into a important decision as we no longer have a Sanitation Department. As of this afternoon the entire Upper Darby Township Sanitation Department is under a two week quarantine due to a COVID outbreak in the department. Our trash pick up for tomorrow is canceled and we will know Monday what the new schedule will be for the next couple of weeks. Goes to show you why it is important to follow the protocols set forth by the medical professionals.

I built three more MDC/Roundhouse wood express reefers. Now I have a bunch of cars to weather when I am not tearing up the layout.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Morning had meeting at Extension Office.  Food hub planning with Extension Director and Food Security manager.  Left for farms at noon.

Returned from the farms. Everything looks great. Now tin blown off of the big old packhouse. One plastic chair under the shelter had blown over. The stack of them next to it had not. All AOK. Campers too. Tobacco crop was massive. Primed one time or more. Soybeans [in smaller fields look great]. Sandy loam soil so could drive around fields. GlasStar Plus sprayed last trip had worked. Lots of fire ants up as water runs them up. I've seen big thunderstorms cause more wind damage. Crops were NOT blown over.

Got home and a big thunderstorm had hit middle of the afternoon. 8/10" rain. Must have flood down as water did run through the tractor side of the shelter.

Ate a famous Parker Brothers Bar-b-q. Had pork bar-b-q, fried chicken, boiled potatoes. brunswick stew and cold slaw [yellow kind]. Lots of corn sticks and sweet ice tea. 
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
I just hit Ctrl something and my whole tab including the post disappeared.

We have a railing around the basement stairs. The cat has started to get up on it and it's only 4" wide.
The first design was to put plexiglass sheet on the downhill side, sticking up about a foot higher than te railing. By the second store we found out that 2 sheets were going to be in the $400 range.
Second design was to move some bookcases that are about the right height next to it. Then shift around again to get the colours to match. Need I say that the bookcases were already full of books and DVDs?
Anyway, it's done.

Went out for the clap tonight. Found out that some neighbours had lived 3 houses down from us in our first house (43 years ago) for about 6 years.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Partly cloudy and 67 outside my window this morning. The high for today is supposed to be in the mid 80s. I did have a brief shower yesterday afternoon.

Quiet day yesterday. I did get stocked up on groceries, etc. Sometime overnight I was re-adjusting the covers (while about 90% asleep) and managed to re-injure my shoulder. This morning at 9 I have an appointment to get the new tires looked at. Getting a vibration starting at about 65 mph. Tires only have 400 miles on them. After that I may (or may not) go to the grocery store to stock up on meats. Out of almost eveyrthing except hamburger. The tax free clothing weekend starts today so I'll be staying away from the stores. Not a big fan of crowds at any time.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
89 and more showers guessed.  Delivered 10 extra boxes than usual.  Had 235.  Got through faster.  Had lots of help today.  I didn't lift a one due to back procedure.  Big problem.  Out in the county, no where to pee.  Ladies helping have the same problem.  If I didn't have three vehicles following me with ladies and teenage girls, could stop by the road as some are scarcely traveled.   When I finish, rush home.  They rush to the nearest fast food.  Long time partner delivering, may stop by here.      

Now R&R.  

Enjoy your day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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