The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Raining but not hard.  Guessers say hard heavy rains tonight. ??  Back from a face to face meeting with Deputy Director of Human Services.  Then we sat together for a zoom meeting with my Regional Directors.  Good meeting.  Fried Chicken for lunch. 

Now R&R. [resting from bouncing on the Farmall 140 yesterday afternoon]
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Happy National Cheeseburger Day, Gang

45 and not as hazy as it's been the last week. High for today only in the mid 60s. Warming trend starts tomorrow.

I had a pretty decent day yesterday. Therapy was ok until she dreamed up a new torture that I get to do 3 times a day. Next appointment is Monday. Put the fertilizer on the yard and went for a bike ride. Too lazy to walk. While I was out on my ride I ran into some friends and had a nice chat with them. After that I got the train out and ran that for a while. Also had a fire in the fire pit. Fixed a pork chop under the broiler tonight and had to air out the house. Got a little smokey in here. Nothing planned for today other than a walk and maybe a bike ride.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Full sun and our blue sky returned late yesterday afternoon. 55/60s for the day.
Walmart... Well yes we like their grocery stock but hate their one cashier checkout. I think they would be the first to go self checkout only. If or when they do that no more grocery shopping there. Our dicktater is allowing the bowling alleys to open. My wife is going to bowl. I don't like it but who's gonna stop her? Any married man knows better. They will take every precaution that's available.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning, though it is almost afternoon here. I've been on the computer and phone all morning straightening up and paying doctor bills. Haqd one for almost $500 for blood work that should have been $15. turns out the bill was presented to the insurance company with the wrong doctor name on it so it was denied. I think we got that straightened out with a call to the lab and the doctor office. (25 minutes). Another 30 minutes getting the patient portal set up for my wife so I could pay a $5 bill. Once set up though these are great because we can access our records and record vitals 

I hope to scan some more old steam locomotive pictures from the Shodde Collection. I will post them under the historical photo thread as I get time. I think there are about 500 total to do. 

Mowed yesterday and finished putting a new cover on the car shelter so we can protect both sets of wheels this winter. No snow or ice to clear away, and the farmers almanac says it is to be snowy. They said that last year and were wrong, but stick with the same forecast and you get it right sometime. 

I hope everyone is well.....Watch out for that physical therapy, those people don't care if you hurt.  I had that with my first knee and told the surgeon that I didn't think it help one bit to overdo it. When I had the second knee done they had a gentle approach and I recovered 3 times as fast. 

Looking forward to zooming tomorrow. Already created an account with zoom (free) and tested the camera and Mike. 

See you all tomorrow.

Morning. Slept till 9:15. Sat and relaxed with coffee until the cell started about the feeding Dream Center [non-profit delivering the food boxes for me]. Seems they are doing good job. Means I do not have to rush out on Fridays [will help some]. Been doing food deliveries since March. Sun has finally come out.

Finally got all my outlets and power strips around edge of layout installed.  Thanks to the rain and not being able to do outside things.  Got 3" rain. 

Got big meeting with El Centro Hispano this afternoon. They have grant to get out in the Hispanic communities and educate on mask wearing, prevention and testing.

Enjoy your day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, another 109 day yesterday, dropping just a bit today but won't be at normal levels until the end of next week.

Tom, I'm with you on billing, I'm still waiting for a refund on a urgent care visit for my wife in December. They keep using the wrong billing code to the insurance company, and it keeps getting denied.

Speaking of billing, I have a word of caution. A few days ago I got a "invoice due" email from the care facility that my wife is in. It came as a link with a familiar name, not an attachment, but since this is the first one I've gotten from them, I just clicked on the link thinking that it was their way of presenting the bill. My browser wouldn't open the link saying that they could not authenticate the data, so I called the facility. No, that's not how they bill, no, they haven't sent this month's billing out yet, and no, that email is not from them. A phishing scam at its worse, but thanks to my browser, I was saved from who knows what. I'm extraordinarily cautious, but I could have gotten caught up in this considering who I thought sent it and was expecting a bill from them about this time anyway.

That's my story for today, be careful and stay safe....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon folks

It is 68 going to 71. It would be nice but the humidity is up. Expecting rain later.

Been busy the last few days. We had to take my wife’s car in for state inspection and emissions inspection. Her stickers expired in July and we only realized it over the weekend. With everything going on with COVID, her father, and the back to school/work drama we forgot.

I am going to follow my daughter over to Pep Boys so she can leave her car for an oil change in about an hour.

A little while ago I Dullcoated the last of the reefers. Now I need to think where to move to next. I did Dullcoat four Athearn D&H 50-foot boxcars so I may start with boxcars next.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Tompm, NC waivered those things for several months. 

Great meeting with El Centro Hispano.  Trust, COVID19 and health care costs were the main topics.

77 degrees and sunny.  Beautiful day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Smoky and 48 headed for smoky and 71. Had nice blue skies for a change yesterday. 25 mph winds today and 35 mph tomorrow.

Had a pretty quiet day yesterday. Walked/rode for 2/10 miles. Shoulder slowly improving. Off to watch great-grandsons flag football shortly. That will pretty much take up the morning. This afternoon will be the exciting laundry project. Otherwise it should be a very quiet Saturday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
37 this morning going to 60 late afternoon. Smoke is gone, we have blue skies again.
The vegetable garden is done for the year, wow it seems like we just planted it.
My snow bird cousin has decided to stay here this winter as the China virus would prevent them from enjoying their usual winter stay. Can't do much so might as well stay home and save the cash.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, as usual, being Saturday, I was able to get a extra 1 1/2 hours of sleep this morning. Being a full-time retiree really takes a lot of energy, or so it seems. Trying to balance one appointment with another, sitting in waiting rooms and exam rooms takes a lot out of you. If you haven't noticed, there are no magazines to keep you occupied, the water cooler is, "temporally out of order", some say,"only patents allowed in the waiting room", chairs are spaced out and even some TV sets are either turned off or set to some inane program you have no interest in watching. Most take your temperature before you even check in and will throw you out if you don't have a mask on. The only thing that hasn't changed is the long waits before you get to see the doctor or an assistant.

Temps are closer to normal, should be around 100 for the coming week. And yeah, lots of hazy smoke from the fires on the coast. The say they can see the smoke on the west coast and the hurricanes on the gulf coast from the space station. If I was at the space station, I'm not too sure I'd want to come home right now Nope .... Even without all that, I think I'd want to wait until after the elections. Never heard so much bad-mouthing in my life, and these are from the people who want to lead us. Icon_rolleyes

Take care and have a great weekend.... 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Sunny and breezy [guesser said cloudy all day, look out the window lady].  64 degrees.  Nice day.  Chores here today.  

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Not sure whether it's cloudy or smoky outside my window this morning. Not enough light yet. In either event it's 52 headed for 77 and windy with 35 mph winds.

Flag football was fun yesterday. Laundry, not so much. But at least it's done for another week. Nothing on the agenda for today other than a walk after it warms up . Definitely no bike ride today.

Don - do you sleep late on Sunday as well?

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning Blue.
        I really enjoyed the test zoom meeting yesterday. It was good to hear the friendly voices and meet ya'll.  We had a chilly 34 degrees here this morning but thankfully no frost. It is too early for that.  The weather forecast is for a warming trend with a possibility of rain from the latest tropical storm reaching us.  We can use the rain and there is lots of capacity for run off in all the lakes around us. 
        My grandson is coming to help me rebuild a section of fence that surrounds the back yard. We have 2 separate fenced yards with a large gate between them. We can close the gate when a new dog comes to visit and keep them separated until we are sure how they interact with our pair. One of our fur kids is diabetic and blind so we don't want him in a tussle.  We have fostered several dogs and hope to be able to do more in the future. 
        I'm wishing you all a great day. 
Chilly good morning.  Getting ready to grill chickens and Wifey cook pork loin for Frankie's Birthday [yesterday].  Headed east early tomorrow to move a big box stand.

Have a great week ahead.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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