The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Home from taking El Centro Hispano on a tour of the 9 mobile home parks I have serviced. Now they are doing their action plan on testing and masks distribution [think food at the same time].

Got home and attacked a 3 foot around fire ant nest. Wifey had a 1 foot round concrete garden ornament next to one of her pathways. They had built around as well as under it. Treated all around and on the ornament. Thousands came out. Then took a small pecan limb and rolled the ornament out. Thousands more ran out and all over the place. One got my hand as it ran up the pecan limb. You should have seen the horde charging out around the "home base". More granules and water. The queens started coming up. Will watch to see if they all die or just move over.

Now chores. Tomorrow, Tax Appeals Board.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
51 chilly degrees. Out the door for tax appeal hearings all day. [get paid  Icon_e_smile ]

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, "hot with lots of sunshine" says one weather report. Triple digits all this week and next, I see some record-breaking 107's and 108's in the forecasts, it just won't quit this year. Frustrating, I'm trying to do something in our backyard and I had to back off because of the heat. Right now's a good time to do it, but it's too dark to see.  Icon_rolleyes I should just stay inside and work on my layout Applause

Last chance to see America's Got Talent tonight. Finals last night, tonight they pick the winner. I've watched the show every year since it started. I like talent and magic shows, and a few building or renovating shows. Won't ever watch these, "reality" shows, made up and scripted from start to finish.

I have a doctor Zoom visit today. I hope it goes better than the last one. They insisted that I use my cell phone, I couldn't hear that well so they got a real good shot of my right ear and I didn't get to see them either. 35   Why not just use the phone, they have to call me first to let me know they're ready anyway, just keep talking. Besides, they charged me more for a tele-visit than for stopping by the office.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Hazy sunshine this morning and 55. Headed for 85 this afternoon.This weather holds until Monday when it's supposed to turn cooler but still in the 70s. Can't complain.

Yesterday went as scheduled - Walmart, walk, ride. Today looks to be slightly different. Therapy at 9:30. This afternoon I need to clean up some leaves and may mow the yard. Sure glad we don't have fire ants around here.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good afternoon folks

It is a very nice 71. Going up to 79.

Was here early but did not have time to post. Been a busy morning thus far. I shampooed the rugs upstairs. I had to do it between my wife and daughter’s Zoom meetings and my son starting work. Once he starts using loud things is limited because he is usually on the phone most of the day.

My daughter found out there will be a high school volleyball season. The freshman team will be a practice/intermural squad. The JV and varsity will play a limited schedule against only other teams in their league. My daughter will oversee the freshman and assist with the JV team.

I took inventory of my gondolas. I repaired a couple I found the couplers knocked off. Athearn coupler clips of course. I had to reattach the stirrup on one of them. I have a Proto 2000 I have to reattach a stirrup and fix the couple box. I plan on repairing it today along with the two tank cars needing repairs. We’ll see what else happens.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
The sun is shining through a thin layer of wildfire smoke. 75 degrees right now.
Did some grocery shopping this morning. It seems certain products are still not getting to the stores but we got plenty.
My niece's husband passed away last night, been on life support since a heart attack last week. She finally let him go.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

60 now headed for 83 later.

Not a good day yesterday. My 20 year old granddaughter was diagnosed yesterday with breast cancer. She has an appointment next Wed. at the MD Anderson Clinic in Houston. Also found out the church diagonally across the intersection from me was burglarized Monday night. That after havnig my bike stolen earlier this month and a few of shootings in recent weeks has me a little nervous. I guess it's not surprising considering all the stresses our country is facing right now.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, hot yesterday, hot all though next week. Enough, even us long-time locals are getting tired of it. It's getting close to seeing the march of the snowbirds. October 1 is when they start flocking in but starting to see a few even now, I guess they don't read the weather reports for here. Nope How can we tell them, well, they're the ones with the 50' motor homes towing a small SUV, or the super pickup truck with duallies and a trailer hitch in the bed driving at least 10 miles under the speed limit.

Almost had a video chat with my doctor yesterday. "I'm ready with Zoom", says I. "Oh no, we use" says the assistant. I could see them, they couldn't see me. "You need to use Chrome" she types..... Bull, don't have Chrome on my new computer yet, so I go for an in-person visit. Never heard of, think about it, Doc sees me...... gotta be an app they sell to doctors.

Condolences to the family SJ, and Tom, we wish you granddaughter the best of care plus many prayers for both families.

Just going to take it easy today, recorded "America's Got Talent" last night, will watch all three hours today. Was sound asleep by the time they crowned a winner.

Have a great day..... Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 62 currently, going up to 76.

Yesterday was clean the rug day. I vacuumed and shampooed all the rugs. Since we pulled all the carpet up throughout the house, we have eight throw rugs. With my wife’s allergies and asthma, the doctors told her the carpets have to go. Downstairs in the living room, dining room, foyer, and kitchen we have waterproof wood vinyl planks. I love the look and feel of the wood. They are easier to clean. Having pets the waterproofing is a big plus. On the second floor our bedroom and the office have hardwood. The hall is also hardwood. All the floors are marred from either the fire that was in the house 8 years before we moved in or from pet accidents. The previous owner used to leave the house for many hours and never left her dog out. The hallway was so damaged we had to paint the floors porch gray. My daughter removed the carpeting from her room and is trying to see if she can restore the hardwood. My son just began removing the carpet from his room. We are hoping to get the wood vinyl planks in the hallway and our bedroom.

I repaired two tank cars and a gondola. I have one more gondola to finish repairing. I took photos of the work train for inventorying. I am hoping to run some trains today and work on something modeling related.

Tom, prayers for your granddaughter.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Morning.  65, cloudy and dreary.  Need to see guessers report and find out what is instore.  Think tomorrow is 70% chance of rain.  

Had a very early virtual Human Services Board meeting.  Got up early so I could go to BoJ's for biscuits for all [dogs too].  Good meeting without a lot of graphs and charts.   A lot of that in our usual meetings.  Some required to review and accept [by law].  Others get boring as in our agenda packets. 

Probably trip to Sam's Club for dog treats [cheaper than Walmart] and coffee filters.  Then whatever around the house.

SJ, condolences.  Sounds too young.  

Have a good day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Sun and A smoky haze 75 degrees. We are good till Sunday then the temp goes down again.
We did some grocery shopping this week, I am surprised that some items are still no stock. I guess suppliers and or workers are keeping these things from being processed for market. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Hazy, clear and 61 outside my window this morning. High for today is supposed to be in the upper 80s with 30 mph winds. No bike ride today.

Got the yard mowed and yard waste hauled away. Had to apologize to the neighbor for accidentally flying my drone into the side of his house. He had a good laugh over it. Physical therapy at 9:30 today. May go for a walk after I get back from PT.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning. Raining and raining. 61 degrees. Slept late for a change. Off to go pick up oldest Granddaughter.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, got to 106 yesterday. I went to four different forecasts, most days are still above 100, a few just below that but all different. I saw some rain a week from this coming Monday. How can they guess that far ahead? Don't know, but AccuWeather gives a 66% chance of rain on November 14, a Saturday. Really.....

Heading close to downtown Phoenix this morning, I called a pawn shop that Pat told me about and they do have ammo in stock. He says at reasonable prices too. They have limits, but we'll take what we can get.

Our governor says that Covid19 rates are dropping, but no dropping any restrictions. Our universities are still in the party mode and spreading the virus among themselves. I went to the same university and went to one party in four years. My how things have changed.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Oldest Granddaughter retrieved from her Mom's work [Mom is Community Coordinator for Raleigh PD. She is sworn]. Has to work tomorrow due to planned protest for Breonna Thomas. What the h--- does Louisville KY have to do with Raleigh? Just something to protest over. undefined

Raining and raining. 3/4 of and inch so far. Enough coming down to get you wet if you are outside. Guessers crying flash flooding even though latest computer update says less rain than previously forecasted.  Was a messy drive to Raleigh and back. Stopped at BoJ's for biscuits.

Nana Pam is allowing G'daughter to watch TV. On her school lunch break. She was doing classes while riding in the back of the Caddy. Can do school from satellite network and cell towers. Never dropped her signal. Just do away with schools and save all that money on buildings.  Icon_e_surprised  [School officials scream when I say that!!!]

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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