The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Partly cloudy and 50 headed for cloudy and 58 with a 40% chance of rain this afternoon.

Had a blast yesterday. It almost got rained out but it all worked out. Cool and cloudy here with a 40% chance of rain. Nothing much on my docket for today other than physical therapy. May start doing some fall house cleaning. Or I may just think about starting house cleaning.

Welcome home, Tom

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Sunny after showers last night.  Rain tomorrow and Wed.  Farms Thursday.  Bank business this AM.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all. Was kind of chilly for a few minutes this morning, then the sun came out and changed that quickly....

Got a busy week, some by phone, others require my going there. I could be like Tom and think hard about cleaning the house, or I can just wait until tomorrow when the cleaning lady shows up. Applause Spends about three hours cleaning nooks and crannies that I didn't know existed and she even cleans stuff that's clean. Icon_e_surprised

Weather-wise, right around 100 for the next few weeks, rain forecasts a chance at least two weeks down the pike..

I hear that they're easing off on nursing home visit restrictions. They didn't announce what they were backing off on, but the current ones are just too hard to comply with, so lots of folks are still not going.

Went to Brenda's for breakfast, she has a clever way of adding a few seats. She blocks off just half of two of the booths that were completely blocked. Are patrons still 6' apart? If someone comes in with a tape measure to find out, they'll get run out on a rail for sure.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 43 outside my window this morning. The high for today will be around 67, or so they say.

Pretty quiet day yesterday. PT was routine. Went for a walk yesterday afternoon. Got about 6 blocks from the house and got caught in a light shower. The rain never made it through the trees so no big deal. Today I need to start my first serious leaf clean-up. There will be many more before it's over.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning folks

It is 69 right now going to 73. Weather doesn’t seem to know what it is doing. One minute it feels like rain the next it doesn’t. Weather guessers say it will rain.

Yesterday was our 29th wedding anniversary. We drove down to Ocean City, MD for the day. Didn’t do much while we were there. Walked the boardwalk some but mostly sat and watched the waves. It was a nice day with a pleasant sea breeze. It was good to get away even for a day and just enjoy the day. We had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants down there.

Today is my daughter’s birthday so we will have dinner for her. We have not decided if we are going to eat out or get takeout. We do know the restaurant. I have a few things to do around the house and I have to make a grocery store run at some point.

Not sure if any modeling will get done.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
It's cloudy with showers predicted for us in Southeast Ohio. We received 2 inches of badly needed rain overnight. 
I got sidetracked on the photo scanning as one of the grandkids wanted copies of some of the video I took of him and the others 30 years ago. 
I had transferred them from vhs 12 years ago so all I had to do was copy some DVDs for him.
Have a grand day everyone, and I am wishing you all a healthy remainder of this weird year, with even better to come 
Morning.  Slept good but got to bed late.  Mira the cat had been real sick and couldn't find her for 24 hours or so.  I found her yesterday afternoon on some OSB board on top of beams in top of shelter.  Wifey couldn't get her down as she would show caws.  I got her down by tapping with stick on boards.  She came down and drank water.  Got better and better [quit throwing up].  Came in late last night [about midnight] and did great.  Still not eating but drinking water a lot.  Now comes when called.  Animals can "fix" their own problems. 

May go work on tractor or maybe tomorrow.  Depends on Wifey's cousin's schedule.  Ran good until about the time I finished mowing front yard at FIL's.  Suddenly starves for gas.  Then runs some and starves again.  Something in gas tank [had to be removed and washed out before getting it to run] or something got past bowl and into carb.  We'll see.  Need to mow Friday or grass getting to tall.  Super big yard. 

Hope all doing OK.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, sameo-sameo around here, just rubber stamp the past few days and you have today. The only difference is that it's garbage day and the cleaning lady comes today. Not that the two are necessarily dependent on the other.

We are having another Zoom chat on Saturday, got room for a few more, you can see who'll be there and you can sign up here as well.

Have a great day, and if you can, send some of that excess rain our way. We have a few wildfires burning, four homes gone in one fire so far, both are well over 10,000 acres now. Hardly any rain all summer, everything is tinder dry.....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
hi all . missed Monday we were outside tending pool most of the day , really sucks that I cant get in pool as leg still has some small infection spots , lost last summer because of surgery and lost this one because of clot in leg and aided problems it created. did a bit of modeling  as of late but need to do more .
Overcast today in the 60s.
Rained some yesterday.
Today was an early shopping trip. Then home for a BLT with real tomato's. Then off to the MD. Blood work was good except for my sugar level at 138.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

58 at the moment with a predicted high in the mid to upper 60s with winds over 35 mph. Coupled with low humidity I wouldn't be surprised to see a red flag warning by this afternoon.

Got a batch of leaves picked up and hauled away in the morning and a 12 mile bike ride after lunch. Also got the drone recalibrated so it flies level. Today's agenda will include physical therapy at 9 :30 and other activities to be determined later.

Tom - congratulations on 29 years.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, weather here the same as the past few days, no change for a few more weeks. They are saying this will be an El Nino winter, higher temps and less rain in store. Don't know how much rain we've had so far this year, I tried to search and come up dry. Icon_rolleyes 

Seems like the Internet is run on ads. Run into site that won't let you in if you have your ad blocker turned on. Now we have sites that have full-page popup ads come up at just about any time. Just about as annoying as everyone wanting you to fill out a survey. "Has our site satisfied your needs?", or, "please tell us how much you enjoyed that nail file you bought at Walmart". Buy something at Harbor Freight and before you get home, there's an email asking you to rate the product and send photos of how you're using it. Got one the other day from the IRS. They said they couldn't answer the question I left on their website and can't put me in touch with anyone that could, and would I please fill out the  survey to tell them how they did 35 .... "Please rate your visit to your doctor's office"........... the same survey that I filled out after my last visit, and the one before that...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good day everyone. Sunny here today but cool. 
I managed to get put in FB jail for a comment I made about letting Florida hire snipers to kill the Pythons.  I guess sniper is a trigger word. 

Special train due through here today, I don't know whether I will go for pictures because I am not fond of the newer Amtrak locomotives. 

I know what you are saying about the internet Don.  I remember when you would do a search and it would pop up "no results found"  I get irritated when I go to a stores site and search for a particular item.  If you search for "2 inch plastic elbow"  you get 20,000 hits.  This would be tolerable if your item was in the top 5, but it is buried somewhere in the results, and you know they have that item for sure.  I have then filled the survey many times asking them to narrow the results but for some reason they think I will by the 2"x4" board instead. I often just leave their site and go elsewhere. 

I am looking forward to another Zoom. 

Sunny cooler good morning. 59 degrees. Little over 1.5" of rain last night. Mira is at the vet. She finally came in late. Didn't sleep good as Wiley [Yorkie] barked off and on during the night. ???? We had Mira inside so Wifey could catch her. Vet took her but will not see her until 10. Still not eating.

After picking her back up [unless they keep her] will rush to Wifey's cousin to clean gas tank on tractor. He said bowl was full of rust yesterday. Carry new gas and see if there is product to put in tank to prevent it from rusting. Maybe keep it full of gas.

Did not waste my time watching the fiasco last night.

Have a great day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
I put a comment in the surveys "I can not recommend to my friends any place that asks me to fill in a survey."

My Solitaire games now play random commercials for some sort of other games that they don't explain.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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