BOeC layout

As Charle was coming back to the hangar, avoiding bushes and trying not to trip in the tall grass, he seemed to muttered words
that sounded like “incompetent !”, irresponsible”, “idiots”, and other which frankly are not suitable for all audiences .

Finaly out of the weeds - so to speak - Charle made it to the hangar.

As he opened the door Oscar erupted ! Agitated ! and obviously excited !

[Image: 2015121124424_RECY200.jpg]

Oscar took a deep breath and said:

" Charle I have news! While you were chatting away I called CN. I finally got someone in logistic/dispatch or some other place, and they told me the boxcar
went to the wrong classification yard ! Can you believe it : THE WRONG YARD ! "

Huuu yes I can believe it ! “ said Charle with an air that said he was less than amused by what Oscar was telling him.

“ Wait Charle that is not all ! So a wrong move and it ended up at the Montreal harbour. At the yard beside the container terminal !
Once they realised what happened it was too late !”

I am sure it was Oscar, since, evidently, the boxcar isn’t here this morning as it should “ said Charle without a hint of his earlier, early morning accent!

No ! That is not it Charle ” said Oscar. “ It’s TOO LATE for the car. It’s gone ! said Oscar still very much agitated.

"What do you mean GONE ? Gone where? In the St-Lawrence ? " Said Charle with a chuckle.

Oscar wasn't listening to Charle and he cut him off saying: "It was transfer along with a pair of BBD loco TO A SHIP ! "

" It’s out to SEA Charle ! It’s ON ITS WAY TO EUROPE! “

It became eerily quiet in the hangar.

Pure silence really.

The quick and sharp sound of a chair being push on the floor snapped Charle back to reality :

" Sacrebleue " he said, his full Marseilles accent was back with a vengeance !


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