Representing "main" vs industrial spur track

Recently, I have started to lay PECO code 83 track. I remove 1 tie per 5 tie to get a more realistic spacing. It means I now have a lot of extra ties.

I also have some PECO code 70. Ties arent suitable for North American railroad. They are to thick. So a week ago, I decided to remove the code 70 rail, trash the ties and replace them with recycled code 83 ties. The track now looks far better. Yes, it's a little bit time consuming, but doesn't require any particular skill. Better, both code 70 ans code 83 are now fully compatible. I don't have a lot of siding to build, so it's a viable solution. But I think it may interest you to some extent.

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout:

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station

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