Brierbaur House
8-) Is very appropriate Andy as the house is looking good, no make that very good.

You mentioned that you were a former tool and die maker, my late grandfather was a tool maker and his brother was a pattern maker. My grandfather worked for W.G Goetz and Sons which was started by my great, great grandfather here in Melbourne in 1875 after he emigrated from southern Germany.
The business was a going concern for over 125 years until the accountant diddled the books and sent the company belly up and put about 100 or so people out of work. Curse I think this sums up my feelings pretty well. He only got the equivalent of a slap on the wrist from the courts for his actions. Wallbang
W.G Goetz and sons was the type of firm where if you did your time there and went anywhere in Australia or New Zealand and were looking for a job, as soon an employer found out you had been with W.G Goetz, the next question was "how soon can you start". They had that sort of reputation for making quality tools and presses. I have only ever seen one machine made by Goetz myself in a sheet metal shop and on the back of this machine was the nameplate Goetz in copperplate writing. Some of the automotive manufacturing plants here in Melbourne apparently had and may still have very large Goetz presses for forming sheet metal panels. Mind you the car industry here in Australia is set to die in the next couple of years so the prospects are not good. Nope

Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More

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