Reviewing my layout plans
Thanks Matt and Andrew. I am sold on the simple track plan believe ME. I may not have come across that I am but two industries and a tram track is what I'm after. I have bought some cheap set track and flex track to try out some smile plans for the space. I work in IT web industry but I have seriously struggled with imagining a drawn design to its reality at HO size.

The crux of my issue ( in my head, one of many no doubt) is of modelling some part of reality so that it is recognisable as that. Be it true to prototype or proto-free,ance. All my previous work has been micro layouts from imagination based in England. So I was gravitating towards modelling true to prototype as a way to ensure I got an authentic look from track plan, operation and scenary. I think I just need to read, absorb and maybe try a few modelling exercises to replicate what I see.

Thanks again for the support and encouragement.

UK Engineering fan, from the tiny artistically engineered to the huge and powerful

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