Reviewing my layout plans
Engfanuk Wrote:Thanks Matt and Andrew. I am sold on the simple track plan believe ME. I may not have come across that I am but two industries and a tram track is what I'm after. I have bought some cheap set track and flex track to try out some smile plans for the space. I work in IT web industry but I have seriously struggled with imagining a drawn design to its reality at HO size.

The crux of my issue ( in my head, one of many no doubt) is of modelling some part of reality so that it is recognisable as that. Be it true to prototype or proto-free,ance. All my previous work has been micro layouts from imagination based in England. So I was gravitating towards modelling true to prototype as a way to ensure I got an authentic look from track plan, operation and scenary. I think I just need to read, absorb and maybe try a few modelling exercises to replicate what I see.

Thanks again for the support and encouragement.


I would definitely go with some mock ups. Quick work with cereal boxes and a hot glue gun will really help visualize what you're thinking. I don't know if you came across Trevor's post on trees, but he mocks up even his tree placements...!

Print out pictures of your chosen locale and industries and stick them up above or near the mock ups. Lay your track temporarily, and run it for a bit.

Looking forward to hearing more!


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