Reviewing my layout plans
You can see the trackmobile in action here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> were CSAO still switching in the park in 2007? I would be using geeps.

Given my 9ft x 9ft x 18in corner shelves I'd have to compress the North-South dimensions so industries were on either side of the 18in board sides. It would take on more of a concrete canyon look than the more open feel of the real Hainesport park. I still like the idea of using a specific prototype as a way to guide me in design and modelling even if in reality it's closer to freelance.

I have "reserved" the living room wooden floor this weekend as the only area large enough to lay out some track until the baseboards are built. I have chosen to order baseboards from a company to avoid having to buy or hire power tools in cutting up plywood. I don't have a car living in London so getting the supplies is quite a challenge. If it didn't have to be semi-portable (I live in rented accommodation) I would do the 2x1 frame and insulation foam direct on the walls myself.

This is feeling good guys, thanks for the motivation.

UK Engineering fan, from the tiny artistically engineered to the huge and powerful

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