The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
I disposed most of my old railroad book. Most of them German and some US too. All that information is easy available in the internet today. All the books together filled most of the trunk of my station wagon. The weight is impressive and the rear axis made some "funny" noise on the way to the junk yard. The rear air suspension worked fine and held the car horizontal.
I had also a box full of CDs. They all fit on one USB stick today.
There is still so much to sort, order and dispose in front of me. It is unbelievable how much has been collected over the years. I had a much better control of all my possessions when we lived in rented apartments and moved several times. Settling down "for ever" is an invitation to uncontrolled collection of everything.

We have nice weather this days. Around the freezing point and sunny sky.

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