The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Hello all, I hope everyone had a good weekend so far. Would like to announce a conspiracy with the Christmas lights. I put away about 2 dozen strands last year and I know they all worked when I put them away last year! went to hang lights Friday and half the strands wouldn't work!  Well this forced a trip to Lowes on a Friday, which as you all know was Black Friday! Put on my body armor parked the car as far away as possible and on my way I went. the insanity was crazy and at a level I could not understand. found my lights and on the way out they had a huge sale display of Craftsman tools ( those Bastards!!) and next to that they had Dewalt Tools! I had no choice but to Rescue as many as possible from the insanity of that store and bring them home to a nice safe environment! Thank God for VISA!  Got a great deal on a craftsman screw driver set has 15 micro drivers perfect for my Nscale as well as a plier set a nice dewalt cordless tool set perfect for doing bench work. I know I should be ashamed of myself! Glad it wasn't a hobby shop..LMAO
 Well got the lights up all the wreaths are hung and the tree is up and will be decorated tomorrow when the grandkids arrive.
hope everyone has a great day

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!! - by pennman - 11-24-2018, 05:52 PM

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