UP SD40-2's NEW Layout
OK, as I mentioned in my last post, I put clouds on my backdrop, pretty much finished it up last night, could always go back into the higher ones for a bit more detail if I wanted. What stinks is in person looking at it I am quite pleased, they show up good, but in pics, wow, you can hardly see them Nope . I am happy with how they are looking at them so I am not going to worry about it now. 

I ALSO painted in some background trees, a deciduous type, and Pines. The trees were done like the clouds, with a sponge. I mixed a couple different greens to get the trees to color, and took the lightest green I had and added black to it to get the color for the pines, WOW, the pines were so close in color you could hardly tell the trees I have up from the background painted pines...at first glace. In time, most of the trees I paint will hardly be seen as "real" trees I put on the layout as I get them will cover most all the painted ones I did last night. 

I decided to run a couple engines after I was done painting last night, I decided on my GP30 as one of them, the sound in that engine is spectacular. I have sound in a lot of my engines, but the GP30's is easily in the top 5 I have as far as sound goes, runs great too!.
 The other engine I decided to run was my DL-109, I always loved those Alco Passenger engines, Its a Proto engine, sold as a DL-109, I seen pics of them before I bought it, CNW and the Milwaukee Road had them....except they were REALLY DL-107's Icon_e_surprised , YET THE BOX SAYS THEY ARE 109'S.
Anyways, I really liked the looks of them, I have the CNW, and it really runs great. 

All the pics below are random, and taken after my painting....
[Image: b68Rslu.jpg]

[Image: Qk0OUq4.jpg]

[Image: WpoRttp.jpg]

[Image: LZcH6o9.jpg]

[Image: D8pG32m.jpg]

[Image: eGbC6rL.jpg]

[Image: m8DXFJS.jpg]
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]

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