The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks, kinda late for me, but it's Saturday and for some reason, I don't wake up as early as I do during the week. I've heard about internal alarm clocks, well, I'm a believer, I haven't had to use an alarm clock ever that I can recall. It's cool enough that I can go target shooting again. Still going to be in the low 100's, but after 54 days of 110 or higher, we'll take what we can get.

Running now 100% on the "new" computer. It is a year old, but probably four times as fast as my old one. I remember some of the first computers I had, 640K of memory, a 20 meg hard drive, two 1 meg floppy drives and a dial-up modem with a 9" green or amber CRT screen. Oh yeah, and the latest DOS OS. Updates, well, there just wasn't any, what you bought at the store is what you got. Things have changed radically, everything now is in gigabytes and hard drives in terabytes and you download everything you need and updates are constant and automatic. Oh yeah, programs that used to be a few meg or less are now many gigs to fill up the HD space just a quickly. Back then, there was no need for antivirus software, there was no phishing, no scamming, no ransomware or even ads wherever you chose to go. I remember when the first Windows came out and you could see pictures being painted on the screen at an astounding 300 baud rate. Now, they're there in the blink of an eye. I also remember paying around $2,000 for my first computer with a 286 processor, the one I just installed cost under $200 without a monitor, but with an i5 processor, 8 gig of memory and a one TB HD.

I could discuss the first computer I worked on though (Univac), it was the size of about three refrigerators, had a memory drum the size of a washing machine and cost around a half-million dollars with the computing power of today's hand-held calculator, that was back in 1960.

Enough walking down memory lane, but it's interesting to see how things have changed.
Don (ezdays) Day
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!! - by ezdays - 09-12-2020, 08:10 AM

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