Recycling Printer Cartidges
What saves me from that wretched feeling of "Dang, another night wasted in front of the tv, on the web, (insert vice or other non-railroad related virtue here)" as I'm crawling into bed, is the 5 minute rule. Not that I'm a pro yet, but just do SOMETHING, anything, out with the trains, even just opening unbuilt kit boxes and smiling, anything for 5 minutes. Don't commit to anything more than that. Sometimes five minutes turns into an hour or even two. This has been my approach to packing lately. Just pack one thing, a diorama, some tools, something and leave it at that. Just getting over the inertia is a huge part of the solution. After putting kids to bed, straightening the house, etc. it's all too easy to just sit at the computer. Armchair or desk chair railroading is fine, but it tends to lead to content-less posts (like this one).

Anyway, I love the creativity! Who knew print cartridges could be made into such a convincing GERN flux roaster? Certainly not me, as I've never seen one. But if Wayne is convinced, well, there you go!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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