R.I.P. Model Train Magazine Index
Kevin - that's likely the case, if I had to guess. MR has all but said so in Neil's reply:

Quote:...We do not have the resources to retype the entire index into a new database from scratch....

But the attitude expressed in the same post is discouraging also:

Quote:Even the clunky web interface, which one of the programmers here at Kalmbach built years ago, took a stunning amount of time to create.

Could it be that they 'bought somebody else's train layout', to borrow an idea once published in that magazine? (Good luck finding that one, btw...a searchable database of articles would be nice...oh, wait... Shoot ) By that, I mean that it's often simpler to build it new than try and fit someone else's work into your basement. You can imagine the hassles that creates.

To call the interface 'clunky' reveals either a techno-snobbery or just plain disregard for utility. It wasn't all that bad, as far as searchable databases go. Have you spent much time over at the HABS-HAER site at the Library of Congress? Crikey! And I've never heard time described as 'stunning' before. Craftsman kits & brass locomotives, yes. Lengthy programming time, no.

But you don't have to dissect the editor's phrasing to get the drift...a generally poor attitude about what it seems many consider a very useful tool. That's okay...we understand. Just means you don't care enough to offer what internet capable modelers want. :? Sad

no longer quite as angry, now just deeply disappointed,

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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