The Big Blue End of Year Clearance Challenge
nachoman Wrote:Hmm, does the challenge close midnight tonight, or midnight tomorrow? Goldth
Well, this being an EOY challenge, and this being the EOY, I would say that we will go unti midnight tonight. But, as usual, tomorrow is Saturday, and the first day of 2011, so I might be dragging a bit. Lets say that we'll keep things open until I am able to start putting the poll together. I'm sure we're going to have a bunch staying up past midnight just to get their projects finished, or stay up past midnight for a variety of other reasons, it doesn't matter. I think I'll run this just as we did the last challenge. If someone isn't quite finished (and I can't be sure until I check all the threads), I'll still put them in the poll at some degree of completion and let everyone decide if they've done enough, and if what they've done is good enough to warrant their votes. That's as fair as we can be to those that do finish on time and those that put a lot of work in, but didn't quite make it to the finish line.
Don (ezdays) Day
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