Thanks everyone.

I have had carpal tunnel surgery done, however, I have further damage to both wrists. I have bilateral TFCC seperation from the unlnar styloid. My ulna is slightly longer than the radius in both wrists which means they will have to be shortened.
I have ulnar, radial, and Dorsal interferential nerve damage, as well as carpal tunnel syndrome in my left wrist. I also have a couple of flexor tendons in my left hand that are partially torn. My doctor has described the damage as catastrophic and the surgery is categorized as reconstruction.
In addition to the TFCC damage in my right wrist, I also have torn FCU and ECU tendons.
The insurance company is playing games. They have disclosed statements from the witness to the fall and 2 reports from the insurance companies Independant Medical Examiner that are so favorable to my case that my lawyer has said that he would introduce them at trial. However, the insurance companies lawyer thinks that they can fight against letting me have the surgery, so in over a year I have had 1 carpal tunnel release done.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.

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