Puddlejumper's photo thread
Today I joined the Dr. Wayne club, the locos and hopper car I purchased arrived at my P.O. box today. I am very impressed with Wayne's ability to turn a generic Pre-proto series Life Like into an outstanding model. At least I think it is Life Like. The 2nd unit is an Atlas/Kato. The crappyness of the photos is due to my lack of photog ability and camera flash, not the models. They are ready to enter lease service as the Pot Yard Drill Team if i ever get a layout built! Goldth
[Image: DSCN3374.jpg]
[Image: DSCN3373.jpg]
you may remember Wayne posting about a twin hopper he built that didn't quite fit in with the rest of his roster, well here she is ready for coal service on the B&P.
[Image: DSCN3375.jpg]

He has thread open here with other items for sale. The stuff I bought from him was EXTREMELY well packaged and I would recommend him as a seller to anyone.

Thanks Wayne!

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