Liberty Industrial Spur
Now we are cooking here - we are discussing what the goal is.

I think continuous run is the right decision for you. There is nothing wrong with continuous room on a table - if you have enough room for it.

But here is yet another point to consider : you will be moving to a school dorm or something in not to long - with less space available. How about revisiting the scale decision, and reconsider N scale?

You can do a nice N scale continuous run layout in 30" x 5 feet. It corresponds to a H0 scale layout that is 4.5 feet x 9 feet in terms of what can fit, curve radii etc, but takes up far less space than you need for a H0 scale 4x8 foot layout. So it likely will be able to go with you to a university dorm or whatever when you move out in a year or so (if I remember correctly).

It can be stored on three shelf supports on a wall, and either be run while sitting on it's supports, or be set up on a dining room or kitchen table if you want access all around it while running.


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