Roundhouse 0-6-0 vs DCC/Sound
By Jove, you've got better eyes than me!!! Even in Photoshop, with many adjustments, I can barely see them and most because my brain try to see them! ;-)

Nice shot. Effectively, a lots of shot of 0-6-0 but rarely from the tender rear side. And I see I made a few mistakes on my tender (water hatch height and the tool box)... well too late!

I started to paint the engine following your color recipe. So far, I'm very pleased with the result. Hopefully, most of it should be done by Christmas Eve. The color turned out similar to my P2K 0-8-0.

Other color question. Awnings over the cab windows. According to CN SIG, it should be a dark wine red. On some picture, it looks very pale, like tan or some other earth tone color. But we all know how much black & white color photos can be tricky.

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