Acceptable grades
It will depend on your trains. Some of them will take pretty steep grades -- with short trains. Some of them won't even take mild grades. I have a loco (B'mann Emily) that will not pull the 2 coaches supplied up a 2% grade.
I had a train that required double heading on my 2%. After a few years I tried it again and it went with a single loco (wear on the wheel treads?)

What you might do is take an 8 foot plank (no bends) and lay track along it. Raise the end a half-inch at a time and see what your train will climb. Each inch is pretty close to a percent. If you want to get closer to yours, put the support at the 7 1/2 foot mark (half your 15 feet).
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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