Acceptable grades
Acceptable grades ? Why, nothing but straight "A" s of course! Icon_lol Icon_twisted Big Grin

My On30 modules need to get the track up about 4", but I really only have the center module ( 4' ) in which to "climb". It will be a switchback, but I need the 4' at each end, for the train to clear the turnouts for the reverse move. I'm kind of stuck with a 4.2% grade for each leg of the switchback.
The right hand end of the module set, will be a "dog hole harbor", with a 68' lumber Schooner anchored. The lumber loads have to be moved to the higher elevation so they can be high-lined to the waiting Schooner.
If this were an HO module set, I could get away with about a 2-3% grade- - - Oh well. :oops: Sad

357 357 ( there's no grade at all on my one N scale module ) Cheers Cheers Nope ,
unless I elevate one end of it Icon_twisted
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