Are you addicted to your cell phone
Tyson Rayles Wrote:
teejay Wrote:Remember the 64,000 Dollar Question scandal ? It could happen again and probably has . I'm afraid I don't have much trust these days ...nothing surprises me .


Yeah and a couple of years back they had some cheating problems on Jeopardy. Don I wouldn't be too quick to spend your lawsuit $$$$. If I remember right (always tricky at my age Icon_lol ) when you buy the car somewhere buried in all that fine print is a clause stating that you are giving them the right to listen in (supposedly so they can better serve you).

Thanks to the Internet urban legends has grown to Godzilla size and still untrue or a plain o fashion hoax...

I would think one should be more concern about Homeland Security eavesdropping then anybody else..

Summerset Ry

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