Are you addicted to your cell phone
Talk about addictions, but the other day we were coming out of Walmart, and this woman in front of us had one of the "smarty" phones in one hand and a small laptop in the other and was dancing around trying to get away from the sunlight so she could read both screens and still have reception. 35 35 I'm sorry, but this seems to be the current trend, one's life revolves around Facebook and other social sites, while the real world passes them by.

I'm also tired of companies sending me email offering me a coupon for something if I go to Facebook and "like" them. I got trapped that way and somehow registered on Facebook a long time ago, but never set up a page or profile, yet I get spam daily now from someone telling me to come on over and "like" them. I don't even like myself on Facebook, why should I like a total stranger that wants to show me a good time?????? Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
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