Are you addicted to your cell phone
Boy, can I ever relate! This is really bugging me as I have a love/hate attitude regarding my iPhone.

I mainly use my iPhone for work but also for personal use. I'm a freelancer, so I have to stay connected with my clients. Main problem -- I can never totally shut down from work, it's always there. So if I try to take some time off during the day (which freelancers can easily do b/c they can -- and do -- work all sorts of hours) I can never really relax b/c I'm always checking my iPhone for messages, etc.

For example, I'll be at the gym -- trying to relax and enjoy my workout -- but I'll stop and spend several minutes typing away responding to emails. And then there are phone calls as well.

In the "old days," (i.e. a mere 2-3 years ago!) my voice mail would simply collect all my messages and I'd respond to them when I got back to my office.

I'm open to suggestions -- I'm thinking of "rebelling" and leaving my iPhone at home, turning it off or leaving it in my locker, etc. Only concern is that I might do this when one true emergency call or email comes in or when I miss dealing with a client over an urgent matter.

But the radio host is right -- it's crazy how we carry these phones around with us, put them at our bedside, check them in the morning, etc. It's not good or healthy. There must be some kind of compromise solution.
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