Suggestions for listening to my fav. music
Wow, 78's. My parents had quite a few but let me and my friends have a good time breaking them back in the late 50's! I've been converting my 1000 plus albums to either cd or electronic files for years now, still have about 400 to go! To get to Teejay's question, I bought an iPod years ago primarily as a storage devise, prior to owning it when I went on vacation I would bring a duffle bag of cd's and a walkman with me, must have music. The iPod (second generation, a long time ago) is smaller than a pack of cigarettes, fits in my shirt pocket nicely, and currently has about 40 days worth of music on it. Now they have smaller ipods which don't use, I can't think of the correct term, I'll use hard drive. Perhaps flash memory is what they use. Anyway, the advantage being they are better suited to jostling when exercising. The disadvantage being capacity, but where my old unit is 60 gig, 4 gig is probably sufficient for work out duties. Yes, you use iTunes to load the iPod, and I also use windows and have had no problems. I also have over 1000 cd's ( I am majorly into music!) and many of them are also in the iPod now. It is very easy to load the cd into iTunes. Simply put the cd in the computers drawer while iTunes program is open and the computer will access Gracenotes, which will identify what is on the cd. You'll see the artist, album name and tracklist appear on screen and it will start loading automatically. It takes about 8 minutes to load on my system. couldn't be easier. I can't help with downloading music, I haven't done so yet. There is also an iTunes store, as well as Amazon and others I'm sure.

There are also mp3 players by several manufacturers which are competition for Apple's iPod.

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