A scratch built Cherry Valley 0-6-0
Well ,RATS!!!

I bought a Badger sandblaster a few weeks back to get this engine cleaned up & etched for painting. Set it up today & started blasting the engine . About 5 minutes into doing it, the blasted blaster fell apart!! The nipple pressed into the gun to screw the airline into popped out & a tiny spring flew out to Lord knows where ( I was outside) . When I examined things, I found the plastic where the nipple pressed in was cracked!! Nope
I knew when I bought it that it had been sitting in the LHS for over 10 years, but I never suspected that it would have deteriorated to that extent. I guess I'll have to call Badger Monday & see what, if anything, they will do about it.
If nothing else I'll see if I can get a spring from them & epoxy it together.
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!

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