Waiting during switching
I have a question about the procedure when an engine with some cars is servicing some industry spurs.
1. The cut will stop in front of the turnout of the industry spur and waits until the switchman has lined the turnout
2. If the industry spur is not very short the cut will stop again after if ran over the turnout to pickup the switchman to do the switching at the industy
3. When the cut is back on the through track it will wait again until the switchman has realigned the turnout and is back on the cut.
In all that cases may the switchman just "hang" on the last car if the way to go is short otherwise the engine has to wait until he passed all the cut and is in/on the engine.
Is that the correct understanding of necessary wait time of the prototype to get the switchman doing his job and to get him back on the train? Times I have to "simulate" doing switching on my layout.
What is the correct procedure to cross a road if the engine is pushing?
a. speed limit 10 mph and protection by switchman with flares etc. if no gates etc.
b. just go ahead if the crossing is protected by gates etc.
c. I assume the gates are under local control. Therefor the cut has to stop, the switchman has to turn the gate/flasher etc. on, wait until the cut has passed, turn it off and get back on the waiting cut.
is that the way a crossing is handled during switching?

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