Roundhouse 0-6-0 vs DCC/Sound
The front pilot:

The pilot isn't actually glued to the frame because I need to detail it more with handrail, lift bar and hoses. Some sanding will be needed too. I followed my P2K 0-8-0 to model the new frame.

The new coupler box sit on top of the original pilot frame. You get the correct coupler height.

[Image: IMG_2449b_zps170a7b11.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2450b_zps3b607f6f.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2452b_zps31e2bed8.jpg]

The original cylinder frame supporting the boiler was notched. It helps to keep the new pilot in exact position.

[Image: IMG_2453b_zpsd2c554e4.jpg]

The switcher coupled with an Accurail 40' gondola.

[Image: IMG_2456b_zps7af2f674.jpg]

Hope it may helps other people wanting to upgrade this little engine.

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