CP Scarborough Harbor Branch Line - HO Scale
BR60103 Wrote:Shane: did you try a plastic tube for the derail instead of brass? Admittedly, you can't solder it ...

As well as toothbrush bristles, check monofilament fishing line. This will be long enough for any application when the toothbrush may not. For some reason, I have a reel of it at home.

Thanks for the suggestions regarding the derail gents. Thumbsup I'd also heard of the toothbrush trick painted up to look like tall grass on a siding. The monofilament is a new one though. I am actually trying to construct a mechanism that works more like a derail and work off a Tortoise. Something that rests in between the rails and then slides up on a cam and comes to rest on top of the rail head. A couple of half fast attempts are giving me some good ideas as to how to finish the project, but I've honestly got more important things to finish first. I'm liking where the ideas are going though.
tetters Wrote:A couple of half fast attempts are giving me some good ideas as to how to finish the project

Icon_lol Icon_lol Now, there's a descriptive I haven't seen or heard in a long time!
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Sumpter250 Wrote:
tetters Wrote:A couple of half fast attempts are giving me some good ideas as to how to finish the project

Icon_lol Icon_lol Now, there's a descriptive I haven't seen or heard in a long time!

And related, I think, to "bass ackward". Icon_lol Icon_lol

Creative solution for the derail/stop! Thumbsup

And congratulations on spiking as far as you have! Cheers

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
Quick update. Since I finished spiking down that spur, I've taken a step back to assess the progress made to do date. When I think about how much I've done and what I have left to do, it gets a tad overwhelming. But, one must soldier on!

I've started working on the Howe Truss Bridge. I'd like to start work on the wharf, but the simple plywood framing pieces will require the use of my table saw, which I cannot use until the weather warms up a little bit which may be a few months. I can already tell how much of a beast this thing is going to be to build. It's taken me more time to measure, plan, and figure out how I'm going to build this thing more then anything. I've started assembly on one of the segments using a simple jig I've built. It's slow going to say the least. Hopefully, I can take some progress pictures and post up something tonight. I figure once I tackle one of these beasts, the other two will be cake...right? :?
Truss segments. Two down. One to go.

[Image: DSC03582.jpg]
Third Truss completed. I'm hoping to get it assembled this weekend for the most part.

[Image: DSC03584.jpg]
[Image: DSC03588.jpg]
[Image: DSC03587.jpg]
Looking Good Tetters. Cheers
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Good..?? That's insane..!!! Eek How many of those cross pieces did you have to make and assemble..?? I wouldn't have gotten past the first truss..... Nope

Great job..!! Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
Thanks guys. I still have a lot to do though.

Steamtrains Wrote:Good..?? That's insane..!!! Eek How many of those cross pieces did you have to make and assemble..?? I wouldn't have gotten past the first truss..... Nope

If you must know. There are 18 panels per Truss. Each panel has three cross members. 18 x 3 = 54. Times 3 Truss segments = 162.
I don't know if it is available in your part of the world, Tetters, but Continental Modeler February and March 2010 issues have a two part article on a model of the NYH Fulton Terminal- First part deals with the main model, second deals with the shipping. It has two float bridges to service the several car floats
Hey SL.

I am working off a set of detailed drawings for a float bridge used by the Baltimore & Ohio RR that were given to me. Apparently it is still standing but not in use, and also happens to be the only wooden float bridge built to replace a steel one if you can believe that!?!


I'd like to get my hands on the book New York Harbor RR's in colour, but its out of print and I've only found it being sold for ridiculous prices elsewhere. It apparently has some really nice pictures of the bridge in pristine condition. That weblink is not the first reference I've heard that from either.
Well...slowly but surely, things are getting done.

I finished most of the structure for my Howe Truss bridge. I stained it using a couple mixes of leather dyes diluted in alcohol and then sprayed on using my air brush. I think it turned out alright. Going to start adding the hundreds of bolts and plate detail to it over the next several days, as well as get the track for it installed.

[Image: DSC03617.jpg]
Tremendous work! Cheers

My hat's off to you for the patience to cut and exactly place those pieces. Thumbsup

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)
Of these two bridges, I built the right one 42 years ago, and the left one,27 years ago. My friend Ed Rusczcyk, helped me cut all the lumber to exact scale, on his radial arm saw, with a "cabinet maker's" blade. I then cut all the pieces to size, and assembled the bridges from a plan Ed gave me.
this is a close up of the left end.
I post these, as "credentials"........You have done an excellent job building those truss segments. It's good to see this kind of work still being done. Thumbsup Thumbsup
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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