L&N Industrial Rail Spur

Looking forward to seeing more .

Ed, this thread is a wealth of ideas and knowledge, I know at one point you were reluctant to post here but I see and I think that there are quite a few members here that appreciate all the ramblings and design changes you make and more importantly the reasons you make those changes..

I hope to see many more changes, explanations and excuses to "re-do" or tweet the design. You've designed and built a few more layouts than most. In this thread alone, I would be happy with any of your designed but this one to me is the detest so far... Please Keep up the posts for us who want to hear... Cheers
SSWUPinSA Wrote:Ed, this thread is a wealth of ideas and knowledge (...) Please Keep up the posts for us who want to hear...
Thanks for the vote of confidence, but not really sure if there are that many people interested in seeing this continue.

Must say that so far, I've found myself operating this latest plan/theme far more than any of the previous designs. At least once, sometimes twice a day, since I got the track laid. Have only made one minor change to the original plan (moved the transload/team track further left), but otherwise, it's been fun and interesting to operate. Time will tell..
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
Thanks for the vote of confidence, but not really sure if there are that many people interested in seeing this continue.

Ed,I for one note every improvement you make in your design and that gives me something to ponder on since I might redo Slate Creek some time in the future..

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Ed I think the answer to that comment is to look at the number of pages in this topic so far.
If people weren't interested in this topic, would it have grown to be this long?
Keep plugging away and we will keep looking over your shoulder. Icon_lol
Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More
I'm interested in seeing the thread continuing along or the start of a new thread Popcornbeer

Modeling a freelanced, present day short line set in Nova Scotia, Canada. 

I don't mind seeing where this goes. Keep it up!

Andy Kramer - modeling the Milwaukee Road in Wisconsin
The Milwaukee Road is alive and well and running in my basement
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.milwaukeemodelers.net">www.milwaukeemodelers.net</a><!-- w -->
Keep it going Ed - It is interesting to see the thinking behind your changes, and it provokes thoughts in the minds of others!

It's been some time since you have posted. Confusedhock: Are you still content with the latest layout plan and do you have any photos that you care to share?

bdw9535 Wrote:Ed,
It's been some time since you have posted. Confusedhock: Are you still content with the latest layout plan and do you have any photos that you care to share?
Thanks for your interest. Haven't been doing much of anything with the layout for the past few weeks for one reason or another. Having been snowed in several times, you'd think I'd have been spending a lot of time working on the layout or building something, but just hasn't been the case. I think I've hit one of those slumps that happen to all of us now and then.

As for the latest layout plan, after operating it quite a few times, I've actually found the runaround track to be more of a pain than anything else. In some ways I like the idea of the locomotive always leading the train, but in other ways it just feels out of place for an industrial spur that is just a bit over 1/4 scale mile long and seems to have very little purpose. Using a caboose on the train is also a hassle, but would have been done in my era (late 70s to early 80s).

I've found that now and then, it's a good idea to just back off and let things settle down for a while; so we'll see.
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
Ed - if the runround is becoming a pain, look at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fteamtrack.soforums.com%2Ft984-Reseau-modulaire.htm&edit-text=">https://translate.google.com/translate? ... edit-text=</a><!-- m --> for an alternative switcher which doesn't have one. Hopefully this will give you the (rather strange!!!) translated version. Bear in mind that this is designed originally for O gauge, but will shrink neatly to HO, and even more so to N gauge
Being snowed in, is something we dont have a problem with in most of Australia, there are only a couple of areas that get regular snow in Victoria and NSW.
It would definitely make getting all the regular things done, just that much harder.
Being snowed under, well I think that we have all experienced that at some time or another. 35 Icon_lol

Chin up Ed, plug yourself in for a recharge and get back into it when your ready.

Mark Popcornbeer
Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More

I'm also into one of those slumps and haven't been doing much to the layout either. I usually have an operating session every third month and try to have something new done but that hasn't been happening. I have all the track and structures in place but trying to get the scenery completed has become a chore that I'm not looking forward to.
I believe we had a discussion about runarounds before and I stated had one at the Pinelands Industrial Park area on the layout. I don't use it as a around anymore, as I operate that section push-pull. It is now used as a storage track for cars to be switched at the industrial park.
Will be looking forward to your posts when your ready to resume.

bdw9535 Wrote:Ed,
I'm also into one of those slumps and haven't been doing much to the layout either. I usually have an operating session every third month and try to have something new done but that hasn't been happening. I have all the track and structures in place but trying to get the scenery completed has become a chore that I'm not looking forward to.
I believe we had a discussion about runarounds before and I stated had one at the Pinelands Industrial Park area on the layout. I don't use it as a around anymore, as I operate that section push-pull. It is now used as a storage track for cars to be switched at the industrial park.
Will be looking forward to your posts when your ready to resume.
I too started using the runaround track on the current track plan as more or less just storage. Handy place to keep off-spots, but it just feels like it's taking up space. Trying to get myself motivated to work on the layout and other stuff again, but can't make up my mind what I want to do with it right now.

With all the assorted track plans I've tried out; I have found that just three multi-spot industries works out quite well and usually results in a nice hour or longer operating session, which is just right for me. But I keep having issues with just how much to try and include on my available 18in X 20ft layout. Do I try and squeeze in 4 or 5 industries with fewer car spots and just work one or two of them each session or just go with 3 larger multi-spot industries (think a longer version of Lance M's infamous Palmetto Spur with perhaps one more spur). Also can't make up my mind if I want to limit trains to say 4 or 5 cars or keep going with trains of up to 10 cars per session.

Decisions, decisions! Wallbang
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
Ed,Slate Creek is no more..After several months of operation-never did get much of the necessary work done like ballast,details etc. -I decided a run around track isn't all that important in the switching operation.

The new Slate Creek will have no run around and a minimum of 3 industries and a transload track.The new Slate Creek will be 16" by 12'. That extra 2' will be used as headroom for switching.

The local will reverse move in and head out.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!

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