Charlie b's layout
Train looks a bit crowded, think I'll wait for the next one. Nice work Charlie. Just wondering how Wayne is going to support his railroad though, not nearly the ridership that yours has... Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Well, I have a whole bunch of seated riders, but they're all currently clad in skin-coloured clothing, and the railroad is concerned that it might cause unseemly behaviour.

Who knows what might be going on in these mosh pits...

[Image: 100_8485.jpg]

Wayne hopefully they will engage in risky behavior   Eek   and in 9 months you will never have to buy those little people again! Now if you could just get them to paint themselves.   2285_ Icon_rolleyes Goldth

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
(01-12-2020, 07:57 AM)Tyson Rayles Wrote: Wayne hopefully they will engage in risky behavior    Eek   and in 9 months you will never have to buy those little people again! Now if you could just get them to paint themselves.   2285_ Icon_rolleyes Goldth

Good points, Mike, although I'd be content if they just stuck to painting themselves.   There's a good chance that many of them, even if they're seated, are going to have their lower extremities altered, to varying degrees, if they wanna go for a train ride 

        I finally got this one running. It was an Ebay purchase that needed a lot of work. Seller said it had a decoder and the lights worked, it just wouldn't run.  Eek. Well the lights didn't work either. The decoder and all of the wires were fried, and I do mean fried. The grease in the gear box was so hard there was no way the wheels could turn. I spent an hour cleaning the gear box and relubing it. I installed a new decoder, then found out the metal tender trucks  would short for the oddest movement. I replaced them with plastic trucks and installed metal wheels and wipers for pick ups.  I think the seller in this case was related to some sleek used car salesman because the lights were never hooked to the fried decoder. 
     It still needs some tweaking but I will use it as an "Excursion" locomotive with a couple old time passenger cars I have.
Nice work!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
(01-11-2020, 01:25 PM)doctorwayne Wrote: Well, I have a whole bunch of seated riders, but they're all currently clad in skin-coloured clothing, and the railroad is concerned that it might cause unseemly behaviour.


I have the same batch of random people and they are all nekkid too! I am trying to figure (ha!) out how to have them paint themselves.  I picked up a zip lock baggie of these fellows at a swap meet for 5 couplers.  Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking.  I would like to paint them, but I am just horrible at fine detail work. hmm... maybe the high school kids in art class need a project.
[Image: np_F-1ani.gif][Image: goog.gif]
No where near exact, but it works for me.        here is the original. I don't have room for one this large.      Charlie
Great reproduction Charlie.
And the original, back in the day!! Men were Men, & Machines were Steam breathing Monsters. ..... And obviously OH&S (Occupational Health & Safety) was still a long way from making an appearance.  Icon_lol 
Jack   Cheers
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
Nice job on the crane! Remember back in the day the cars were made out of wood and the men were made out of steel and the sheep were terrified! Big Grin

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Charlie that’s a beautiful shovel!!!!

Nice work to get that loco working again as well!
Hi Chuck. Is that real snow or from Woodland Products? Don't see much snow here in Ariz. Good luck on the build.
(04-05-2020, 08:05 PM)Tucson Frank Wrote: Hi Chuck. Is that real snow or from Woodland Products? Don't see much snow here in Ariz. Good luck on the build.

Hi Frank. I am glad you found us here. A great bunch of fellows. I am sure you will enjoy it here. 
As for snow I am lost, I don't have any snow scenes on the layout. 
Well, I've got a little more done on the Aerotrain. I cut 1/8 inch aluminum to make a sturdy base for the cars, drilled and threaded it for the trucks, couples and the weight. The weight is a 2.5 oz strip of key stock attached lengthwise to the bottom of the base plate.             
I thought I had enough keystone heralds but then checking the photos of the prototype I realized the ones I had were too small. Searching the web for the rigt size only brought up forums where folks were searching for the right size so I figure it's time to use some of the white decal paper I bought 5 years ago.  I scanned a decal on a sheet then took it into photoshop and cleaned it up. I couldn't believe how bad the lines were when viewed about 10x normal. I cleaned all the edges and sharpened the lines then printed a strip of 45.      . I sprayed them with clear and I will let the clear dry a good 24 hours before I see what I can do with them.....Stay tuned.    
Those decals look really good, Charlie, as do the underbodies for your AeroTrain cars.  Of course, I wouldn't have expected anything less from you.


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