Pere Marquette, Mark II
Good to be back, and back in my old login, thank you Don. I will have the new pictures (there aren't very many) some time tomorrow morning.

I have some extra time on my hands and both of my kids are in school full time so I should be able to get some work done. My wife has even asked me to set up a different work bench in her home office so we are at least in the same room ( Curse or 2285_ depending on the day)

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
As some of you may recall, for the last challenge that I was part of I was building the Bulk Fuel and Oil Distributor. I have made some more progress. The pics are not good and there is a lot of work that still needs to be done. Ultimately, this will not be a fuel/oil distributor but a part of my GERN factory.

[Image: 8D681674-64F5-4F56-9684-F33A7D4272DB_zps3kms4xhn.jpg]
These are the twin upright tanks. They are going to be used for outbound liquid flux products.

[Image: D58AE0BC-A4EB-4545-88EF-9EE1FE418A4D_zps0ackuytq.jpg]
This will ultimately be the shipping/receiving office. The 3 tanks in the background will be coming up in a better pic.

[Image: 245DC3DB-9F43-4C3B-81AE-5EB95785F27A_zpsifjdvyq9.jpg]
This is the inbound raw materials tanks. It is lacking the piping, which I will add when I have the primary GERN structure close to workable.

I have more pics to share but I don't want to share everything all at once...

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
Looking good Matt, And I repeat, It's good to have you back.

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