The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
mild  88 here pool weather , cleaned out freezers in ahead of Colorado trip next month to get next years supply of olitha sweet corn and palisade peaches , visit the boys  , see old friends and get in some  fly fishing .

tom what I was trying to imply if you thought the monument was awesome it pales in comparison to the two places I mention , that's why the monument isn't used much by locals with the grand mesa only 45 min away..
Good morning all. Nope, haven't gotten anything from or about Z in a very long time. What kind of things are they sending you SJ?

Temps up a bit, around 110+ for another day or two, rain (monsoon storms) in the forecast for most of next week with some days not making it to 100. You can count on high humidity for those days though...

Charlie, glad to see you had those visitors show up, and I see something special came along with them. Proud, sparkling new and just waiting for a heavy snow to prove its worth. Applause Applause
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I didn't open the Z things but is was about adding a new app. Actually got it several times recently.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Hazy and 81 already with an expected high around 86 and very humid. Chance for rain tonight.

Had a productive day yesterday. Got the oil changed, went to the bank, and ran the edger around the sidewalk. Also did a good deed. The neighbor woman was selling her truck and her (husband? boyfriend? significant other?) wasn't around. She wanted me to keep an eye out in case the guy was weird. No problem though.

This morning I watched a very entertaining F1 race in the rain. Lots of mistakes by some very highly paid professionals. Up next is an easy bike ride followed by lots of doing nothing. Very humid today so I'll wait until tomorrow do the outsiude work.

I've gotten a few of those messages from Z also. I just ignored them.

Gas dropped another three cents yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good afternoon, been a lazy day for us so far, it's kind of hot and sticky out, sometime even with A/C on it's not comfortable. Temps yesterday were around 113, today should be a lot cooler, 110-111 with around 18% humidity. For us, that's high.

It's hard to figure out gas prices here, I see a few places drop a few cents, and other bump it up a few cents. I've seen from $2.83 to 2.91, Sam's Club is low at $2.75.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 63 this morning with a predicted high in the upper 70s. Feels downright cool after the warm weather recently. Got about a half inch of rain yesterday.

Not much accomplished yesterday other than a short bike ride. In the evening I did get some pictures of my trip resized and posted for the kids. Saturday evening I got my mail at 7:45 PM. I greeted the carrier and said "Long day?" He simply replied "You have no idea." and moved on.

Nothing planned for today other than a trip to the gym. I was going to do some work in the yard but the rain made it too muddy to do what I wanted to.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Sun and 76 this morning, going to 86. Sunday's hi was 90.
Needed rain passed just to the north of us yesterday.
No train news at all, I did get some garage cleaning done last week so the garbage man has some extra trash today.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
another summer day , dom't know what current tremp is as I've been working on helium car today will post some progress photo's later.
Good morning all, into yet another week, and a new month in a few days. Don't know how that comes about, mind-boggling for sure. Doing a few things around the house and I'm sweating like I was back in Houston. Yeah, the A/C is on, but the humidity is starting to get up there again. Typical for this time of the year, I remember our first house, no A/C but a swamp cooler. These things work fine when the humidity is low, but it just circulates hot air when it's not. I'd hate to have to rely on one of those right now. Low for us is in the single digits, right now it's up to 22% and expect to get into the 50's in a few days. It's no longer a dry heat.... Icon_e_surprised
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 58 headed for the mid 70s. Going to be a beautiful week according to our friends at the National Weather Service with lows in the low 60s and highs in the low 80s with only slight chances of rain later in the week.

Had a very quiet day yesterday. Went to the gym but could only swim 1/3 of a mile. My foot kept cramping up. After lunch I was feeling tired so I laid down on the couch "for a few minutes." An hour and a half later I dragged myself off the couch. I was afraid I wouldn't sleep last night. Managed to sleep 7 solid hours last night. Still feel a little tired this morning. Nothing major planned for today. I want to check to see if the ground is dry enough to dig the trench along the side of the shed. Otherwise nothing going on.

Frank must have fallen asleep in his recliner again.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, a chilly one here, got down to the low 80's with a nice rain overnight. This was not in the forecasts, but this time of the year, rain and dust storms are unpredictable. Humidity is in the 30% range right now and they do forecast rain for later today. It really doesn't mean that much since it can go either way but it is nice when it does rain. Just that a lot of times, those dust storms do a bunch of damage, ripping off roofs and turning over trailers.

Beyond that, not much else to talk about....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

63 headed for 79 with lots of sun.

Another very quiet day passed yesterday. Last night I was watching "Experiment in Terror" with Lee Remick and Glenn Ford. Very good movie but I screwed up when I recorded it and missed the last 5 minutes. I had seen it before so I knew how it came out but felt like and idiot for not double checking.

Not much on the agenda for today. Gym and a bike ride. Yard is drying out nicely so I may be able to start digging the trench along the side of the lawn shed.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
not much going on here  81 now , pool is cooling off Sad lot of clouds no rain so far.
Back hot and humid for a few days.  Changing by Thursday and Friday.  Rain coming.

Thanks Tom for checking.  Monday was Edgecombe.  Fred got too hot and had to cool him down fast.  We were in the woods but where an old loading dock when they thinned timber years ago.  Sun baking down hard.  Got him cool and we pulled out.  Left lumber and trailer in woods.  He did drive 4 wheeler back to barn.  Going back next Wednesday.  

Yesterday was full.  I actually skipped a County meeting in Raleigh this AM.  Figured waste of time.  Nothing on agenda right now.  May change any minute.  Wifey going back to work at her part time job.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all. Kind of sticky right now, high humidity and a high chance of more rain (some say 20%, others say up to 70%) Icon_rolleyes . Could hear the thunder throughout the night, lots a rain and wind on the east side, not that much here on the west side. We're still grateful for whatever rain we get.

Yeah Tom, I think we've all done that, set to record a two-hour movie and find it ran five minutes over the schedule.... DirectTV gives your the option of starting or ending beyond the schedule, but I rarely remember to do that. What I don't like is when they decide that I want to record the next episode of a program, and start downloading it without asking. 35
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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