The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all. We're in for a warming trend, if you can call three days a "trend". Suppose to be on the plus side of 70 says some. Rain as early as Monday. Tuesday anywhere from 25% (AccuWeather) to 100% (MS app).  Still can't figure how they can differ by so much.

Got in and out of the Post Office easily yesterday. I guess that the few there in line was willing to pay a premium to get their stuff shipping in time. The lady of TV says they were going to give us the shipping deadlines. I figure the usual, when and at what price to get your packages sent by Christmas from the PO, FedEx and UPS. Nope, it was all about Amazon, Walmart and other online stores plus the Christmas Eve hours for some brick & mortar stores. Times have changed but I too went along with that. Couldn't find something that I was looking for in the store, but was able to order it online from the same store and at a lot better price than other stores. Go figure, they almost force you use the Internet to shop... Icon_rolleyes
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 21 outside my window this morning. High for today is supposed to be near 50. Same for tomorrow.

Productive day yesterday. After I got my shopping done my daughter showed up and after we chatted about Christmas Eve plans we went to a nearby sports bar for lunch. Umm, now that I think about it, everything in this town is nearby. Anyway, moving on. When my daughter left she took her Christmas cookies with, freeing up some much needed space in the freezer. I also finished the laundry and went for a two mile walk.

Today will see mundane tasks like vacuuming, dusting, watering plants scrubbing floors, etc. This afternoon I 'll take another walk and fire up the space heater so I can sit on the porch late this afternoon with my daily dose of Corona.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Wow what a thing to argue about.  Tom's weather here.  36 and cloudy.  No rain until Sunday night.  Then Monday.  Then warmer.

Nothing much on agenda.

Sure BR has a snow report.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
I think we've had our snow for the year. Temp to be somewhat above freezing tomorrow, although it will dip below at night.
On Thursday we went for a walk as the roads and sidewalks had been ploughed. But there was a dusting of fluffy snow and Dayle found a pathch of ice under it and went down on her back. She says there's no effects from it.
Had a modelling friend over yesterday for dinner. Didn't bring up that it was my birthday. Found that he had come up short of a tin of paint; I dipped into my collection and found an old but unopened ounce of Garter Blue.
Best present was a pair of "reading socks" which are thick and come up almost to my knees.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, an above average temp today, some put it in the low 70's, but they're still saying rain starting tomorrow night. Some have rain through the end of this year and into next year. Rather unusual since February is usually a rainy month. Also have snow for up north, gunna be a white Christmas for those folks.

Gas prices here holding steady at .001 cent under $3.00, brand name gas around ten cents more. Someone on the news said we should see a drop of around fifteen cents soon due to an excess in storage. Even then, we'll be over the national average and fifty cents higher than Tucson.

Don't want to sound envious or anything, but I'm wondering if there'll ever be a limit to what they pay sports people. They hired a new quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals for $30 million, (BTW, he lost six games in a row for a loosing season), then the Diamondbacks got someone for a mere $185 million. Thinking that was a tad excessive, then I see where the Yankees bought someone for $345 million. That's about what it cost to build the Cardinals stadium, paid for by the taxpaying public since the team couldn't afford to build one on their own. The Diamondbacks and the Coyotes are both threatening to leave if they don't get new venues, both have taxpayer funded ones that they say are too old. Just wondering out loud.... Waiting Waiting Icon_rolleyes Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning Blue.
I got gas for 2.29 at Walmart yesterday. It's running between 2.29 and 2.79 depending on what town or village you are in. Our local village merchants charge more for everything figuring local people will shop local. I don't mind supporting local business but I won't pay a buck more for a gallon of milk or a pound of ground beef. Gas is also 50 cents a gallon higher.

Until we tell these sport teams NO they will continue to gouge the taxpayer. It would be cheaper to buy out all the local business that think they will benefit. 
Personally, I don't watch any pro sport except maybe golf and that is really hit or miss. 

Sunny here today with a high in the 40's.

Have a great day  everyone
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 31 with a predicted high in the low 50s. Got to 49 yesterday afternoon. About 20 degrees above normal for this time of year but I'm not complaining. I was able to shut my furnace off at about noon yesterday.

Another day of housework yesterday. Also made a trip to the attic and found stuff I needed, including my Marilyn Monroe tree ornament. Nothing major planned for today.

Gas here dropped 2¢ yesterday. Same as Charlie at $2.29.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Morning.  Ho ho ho.  Was cold but warming to mid to high 50's.  That is good as I am helping direct traffic to one of our big Christmas services in a barn.  Multi-affiliation service.  Two this afternoon and evening.  No Church this AM.

Rain coming tonight and tomorrow.

Gas at Sam's, $2.21.  Everywhere else, $2.43 to $2.45.  HUMM  A big difference.  

Have a great week ahead.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello Blue
Sun and 40 today, for us that is almost a spring
No special news, my wife is healing and doing well. 
A week of 40s then down she goes again. No snow for Christmas.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, another new week, back when I was in school, we wouldn't get off for the Christmas holiday until noon the day before Christmas and go back Jan 2. I don't know if that's changed back in New Jersey, but here in Arizona, most schools closed last Friday at noon and probably won't reopen until Jan 6. Bigger breaks, but longer school years.

We're also officially into Winter, the shortest day of the year was on Saturday. Days are going to be getting longer, but it's hardly noticeable but it won't be long before the sun is up before you are. Lots of Christmas movies on right now, most I've never heard of, mostly about romance. We've got a bunch that we've played so many times every year, that this year we're cutting back to just a few traditional ones.

Gunna be a wet week, rain is suppose to start tonight and continue every day through the new year. I guess that's good, make up the shortfall, but it can screw up a lot of folk's plans for the holidays.....

We did watch a little football yesterday. I agree with someone here that said, if they spend less time rehearsing those touchdown celebrations and spend more time practicing football, they might win a few more games. They are now down to group choreographed posing and antics that are not befitting the game. There's still the individual running around like a chicken when they do something right that they're paid highly to do. I would think that when we had our business, that every time we shipped a system or product, that we should have gone out into the parking lot and done some weird dance or belly flops.... Icon_rolleyes
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 33 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. Another unseasonably warm day ahead with a predicted high in the mid 40s. I shut the furnace down about noon yesterday and it hadn't kicked on yet when I got out of bed this morning. Definitely not complaining.

Quiet day yesterday. Did some piddly chores - wash the punch bowl, clean rugs in the bathrooms, etc. Also went for a 2.5 mile walk. Not sure what I'm going to do today.

SJ - glad to hear the boss is healing well.

Don - along that same theme I walked into the break room at work and the plant manager asked me if I felt "appreciated" in my job. I told him I get my appreciation every two weeks. Apparently some 20 something management trainee was not "feeling the love." Probably had a lot of "participation medals" at home.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Morning Blue
        I was up at 5AM this morning and at Walmart by 6. I had some final shopping to do and didn't want to fight the rush today. The store was empty, and I found what I wanted right off, and even found a real check out too. I left Walmart and went next door to Home Depot and got a bag of duraBond 45. I about passed out when I checked out as it was only 3 bucks.
        I need it to work on my stone quarry.  

        It's a fairly pleasant morning with the temperature at 30 degrees and calling for warmer and sunny. 
         It's almost Christmas but I am done shopping and so is my wife.  Hopefully it will be a calm one. 

Wow Hi near 50 today, a week of warm and then down she goes.
Yes my wife is healing, moving normal around the house, we haven't ventured out though. She has been baking cookies and resting in between batches. Rumor has it the blow-up rubber doll and the PS4 has been scratched from my Christmas list.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
42 and raining.  Errands and sausage delivery.

Christmas in the barn [first service].  I helped direct traffic for that service.

[Image: enhance]

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, here we are upon Christmas Eve already. They say it'll be a wet one here, and a white one up in the high country. Well, it did rain last night. Don't know how much, but it appears to be wet as I look out the window. We'll head to breakfast in an hour or so and see how much it rained, then maybe hit Walmart before the crowds get there. Some stores having a marathon, staying open 24 hours until tonight. Walmart does that every day, but I'm not sure if they're not closing early tonight and tomorrow as well.

They said a few days ago that gas prices are going to drop, then yesterday, the said they were going up. They must have their weather people assigned to making those forecasts. We paid 2.879 at Sam's Club on Saturday. Most stations are holding steady at $2.999, Costco is the cheapest in the area at $2.789. They're building a new Costco about two miles from us, so when they open that might affect what Sam's Club charge.

Everyone, have a very Merry Christmas and stay safe. I hope Santa treats you well....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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