The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

31 with clouds moving in. High is supposed to be in the low 40s with a slight chance iof rain.

Went for a walk yesterday afternoon and watched all the extras on the 4th Harry Potter movie. Had a really weird dream last night. My wife wanted a divorce. Had to talk to a police lieutenant!!?? Then wife came into the room and only wanted the paperwork so she could post the bans in the Catholic church (she was Lutheran). Somehow Stirling Moss was involved also. Then I went to the apartment where she was living and there were a bunch of older ladies and they were having some kind of dessert festival. Woke up before I could taste anything.

Today I'll get the next HP movie and go for another nice walk.

No lock down around here at the moment but bars, theaters, gyms, etc are closed. Bars are closed but can take drive through orders for sealed containers of alcohol. Restaurants are drive through/carryout only. Closest case of COVID is 60 miles and two counties away.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. Tried to go out to eat yesterday, "take-out only" sign on the front door, no cars in the parking lot says it all. Going target shooting tomorrow, hope that the truck stop that we have breakfast at isn't locked down. Truckers of all people need to eat on the run. The place has all the amenities they need, a game room, pool room, laundry room, showers, a large restaurant and several fast food stands. it's a good 50 miles west on I-10, so let's hope they're still open. The Governor shut down bars and gyms but is reluctant to shut down restaurants, so some towns are declaring local emergencies, allowing mayors to close everything they wish. Surprise and Sun City haven't yet, but, like the place we went to yesterday, some are imposing a self-shutdown as are a number of national chains.

The thing that bothers me is that they're giving you statistics of what county has how many affected, but they don't ever tell you what town they live in, how there people got the virus or where they were traveling from when they got it.

Someone in Tucson stole a few dozen test kits from a clinic, look for them on eBay, Craigslist or the dark web.

Slept in late today, the Bishop says stay home so sleeping late is OK.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Some sun turning to cloudy with expected snow overnight but will melt with tomorrows 40.
Situation is not good here, everything is shut down but the vitals. Gas is cheap and no where to go.
No TP has turned into NO FOOD either. Shelves are empty. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning. 59 and sun came out after a shower of rain over night. Rain off and on through Wed. Hope it holds during kids feeding time.

Need to run to Harbor Freight as an item goes off of special sale today. My Insider Club special.

Then up to Louisburg and more cleaning. Now Wifey is saying moving there.  We'll see. Bring home my wood lathe and small compressor I gave her Dad. Then may have to haul it back later. 

All stay safe.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

It is a very chilly 40 out there right now. High is supposed to be 43.

Ran out to get some bagels this morning. Roads are pretty empty.

Ran some trains yesterday. I will post some photos and video later.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
From Rifle Forum.

[Image: enhance]
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Frank: Icon_lol Icon_lol Icon_lol Icon_lol 

Gotta copy that, for sure......
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

35 and gloomy headed for 45 and still gloomy. Chances for rain off and on for most of the week.

Had a nice walk yesterday afternoon and picked up the next installment of Harry Potter. I'll do that again today. Only 3 more to watch.

I have a basketball hoop in the driveway and the two young boys across the street have asked 3-4 times if they could use. They were so polite that after the last time I told them they could use it whenever they wanted without having to ask. Yesterday they knocked on the door and handed me the net, saying it had come down. I told them thanks and that I would get a new one. The old one is rotting away and I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. Kids who are that polite to tell me deserve a new net. I'll get one today. There is hope for the younger kids. Going to try to do some grocery shopping today also.

Frank - great sign. Thanks for the laugh.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Back from the grocery wars, er..stores. Very quiet at Walmart and found everything I needed except cocktail sauce. I was able to find that at another store so all is good. Shelves were full except for the usual paper products. Gas is down to $1.68 but no signs of anyone stockpiling that.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, no target shooting today. Friend says too busy at work right now.

Tried to go out for breakfast, Brenda's-closed, Royal Cafe-closed, Denny's-closed. Didn't bother going anywhere else, ate at home.

Gas down to a roaring $2.78 in most places, still see some over that....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Cold and rainy.  Been out in the County at trailer parks feeding folks.  Went into two that County employees [Spainish speaking] did not no existed.  Ghettos.  Left meals for all of the families that would come to the door.  

Warming up and drying out.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good evening folks

It is a raw 41 degree gloomy day with rain.

Governor placed our county under a stay at home directive starting at 8 PM tonight. Too many people meeting up in the parks and some quarantine parties going on. Many business have been ignoring the voluntary closure requests he had to go with stricter measures and enforcement. Someone I know from my church went off on Facebook the other day complaining that he couldn't go to church and that going to church and praying was the only way to stop the virus and how it was a creation of the Devil. This is even after church officials came out and said they agree with the closures.

We had to take the dog to the vet. It was a different experience. Had to wait in the parking lot and the vet tech came and got him. Talked to the vet over the phone. We are not sure what is going on with him. He has been lethargic and not eating. They drew blood and are going to run some test. Found out he is older than we thought. When we rescued him 3 years ago we were told he was 3-4 years old. Vet said he is about 10 to 12 years old.

No trains last night. We will see what the evening holds.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
TomPM, our vet has small waiting room.  So, most do that normally at ours.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
hi all. had a c 19 party with a lot of my LPB's  and a few cows and other barnyard critters.
the ladies all work at the kit kat klub in oak creek(mining town with bordello )
have 60 or more cows to paint .

this is the town folks.
other than that been sticking close to home( no place to go stores all have bare shelves) . we are drying out  and warming up a bit  so we have been working out side , don't know what gas is around here.

PS I should add this was a painting party.
With that many cows and folks partying, I'd be concerned about gas too... Eek
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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