The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Morning.  82 and sunny.  Maybe a shower this evening.  Lowes and then FIL's.  Enjoy the day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
hi all . still at home decided to work on insulating garage to day as summer is going to get here sometime and the tin oven gets to hot to work in . then might finish some buildings I've been putting off for a year. did some reloading last night 100 rounds of 30-40 and prepped 500 round's of 45 ACP .
Good afternoon folks

It is 47 now with an expected high of 57.

Didn't do much yesterday with all the rain. The dog is still hospitalized. They are talking about him coming home tomorrow.

I did working on weathering covered hoppers.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 33 headed for sunny and 61 this afternoon. The bike will be ridden today! Got almost a half inch of rain Saturday. With the sun and warm weather the grass should really start to turn.

Quiet weekend. Aren't they all any more. Went for a walk yesterday afternoon and stopped for an ice cream cone. Also ran into a neighbor. Stopped and had a socially distant conversation with him.

Only item on the agenda for today is maybe a trip to Menards for some early season crabgrass preventer. On sale this week.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. Temps still in the 70's today but somewhere I saw where we could hit our first 90 of the year this week. Chances of rain are good for next week, but those forecasts have a habit of changing as we get closer to the date. We still have the freedom to roam, although there's rumors that could change in the next day or so. The Apache Tribe has put a curfew in place which encompasses a large part of Arizona and I see a few states are checking for people coming in from other high risk states.

Got time today to work on my challenge. Don't need much of anything to go shopping. Might head over to Home Depot though since I finally got the table saw to work I can finish up a couple of woodworking projects as well. Replacing that switch will never appear on my "things I like to do", list. That &%@!!! thing fought me every which way from Sunday.... Hmm, yesterday was Sunday come to think of it, glad that's history now....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
A wet weekend, tiss 43 and cloudy now.
Laptop, TV and the exercise bike. Can't go anywhere but for groceries. Different stores have scattered amounts of food very little meat, the butcher shop might have a better success rate.. No paper products anywhere. This I don't understand as they gotta be making this stuff everyday. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
hi all . well look's like another trip to town today wife's ipad died need to get her a replacement also need to see if I can get some lay mash for chickens , might pick up some groceries if there any to be had.
stay safe all.
Good afternoon folks

Better weather than yesterday. Temperature 52 and cloudy. High will depend on if the sun comes out. They are talking 57.

Had to run out to the bank to handle some paperwork that could not be done electronically. Ran to the hardware store across the parking lot to get a bolt I need for the pergola cover. Then a quick trip to the grocery store to get a few things we could not get yesterday. Funny how one store has more stuff in stock than the other. Both are chain stores. Then a final stop at CVS to get allergy meds. Have to love dealing with allergies during this time.

We will be picking up the dog later this afternoon. He is better but not back to his old self. Vet thinks they have done all they can do at the hospital. He needs home time to see how is doing. We will be giving him insulin shots. The wife is diabetic so we are very familiar with it.

Didn't get any modeling done yesterday. Did a few things around the house. After we get the dog not sure what I will do afterward.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Tom, having a diabetic wife I am sure you know the insulin is only 25 bucks at Walmart, but I am mentioning it just in case. We have to give our guy 10 units twice a day. a vile lasts over 5 weeks. 
He is a real trooper, sadly he has lost his sight to a cataract, but if he gets where he can live through the anesthesia we will have that taken care of. We had to have our first Samoyed's cataracts removed when he was 3 years old. He lost sight in one eye in 18 days. rapid onset juvenile cataracts.  
Only had a little rain this morning. Flooding all around us yesterday and high wind. 
Stay safe everyone. 

Thanks for the tip. I had to get it at CVS tonight as I did not have much choice. At one point I felt like I was searching for hen's teeth. Next refill I will try Walmart.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Day 2 of sunshine and mild temperatures. Clear skies and 57 today. One more day of nice weather tomorrow (but windier) and then it turns cooler and rainy.

Productive day yesterday. Got the crabgrass stuff from Menards and put it down. Also got the car washed. After lunch I went for a 3 mile walk and then a 5 mile bike ride. While out for the walk I ran into a former neighbor and chatted with him for about 10 minutes. Good to catch up again.

Today will be the semi annual seasonal shed switch. Time to put the winter toys away and get out the summer toys. One of the summer toys being retrieved from its winter burial will be the grill upon which a nice steak will be prepared this evening.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
If this is in the wrong place feel free to move it or delete it.

A man is driving down the road and looks out the window and sees a chicken running alongside the car. He looks at his speedometer and sees he going 35 mph! He speeds up to 45 mph and the chicken is still there and he notices the chicken has three legs! Now he is up to 55 mph and the three legged chicken is still there! Then the chicken takes off, passes the car crosses the road in front of him and runs up into a barnyard. He sees a farmer standing out there so he pulls over gets out and walks up to the farmer. He tells the farmer he can't believe that he just saw a three legged chicken that could run over 55 mph! The farmer said "I know, he's my chicken, I raise three legged chickens." "Why do you raise three legged chickens" the guy asked. "Everybody loves drumsticks and with a three legged chicken you get 50% more drumsticks with the same amount of chickens." "Makes sense" says the guy. "How do they taste?" he asks. " Don't know" says the farmer, "We haven't been able to catch one."

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Good morning all, our weather is delightful and so our Governor has issued a "stay-at-home" order, but allows you to go outside and move around. You can even go hiking on your favorite trail. It's not a "shelter-in-place" as some states and cities have done, but I'm not sure just how much business you can conduct without being cited. Hair salons are an "essential business" along with grocery and hardware stores and pharmacies. My friend in the security business says that he's allowed to service existing customers but can't install new systems. Not sure about the construction industry though, I don't see anyone working on that new subdivision but loads of workers putting up the new Costco a few miles from there.

It doesn't matter though, I wasn't planning on going anywhere anyway, maybe stop by Walmart and Home Depot just to keep my hiking activities local. It's senior hour at Walmart right now, but I think I'll wait about a half-hour like we did last week. Lines were gone, shelves still well stocked and a few early birds were leaving so we had a decent parking space.

Yeah Mike, we have room anywhere, anyplace for funny stuff, and that's one that I haven't heard before.... Icon_lol Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Cloudy and 48 for the day.
Our lady governor is drunk with power,  spewing out new orders on a daily bases. Too much power for one person to have.
She's telling people they can't just take their kids out for a ride in the car, motorcycle riding is forbidden???? figure that one out??? She's fighting with the president so he's holding back on needed medical supplies. The VP did finally release some supplies to us.
What a mess.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning.  54 [ouch] and cloudy.  SUPPOSE to be raining.  Had to turn heat back on.  Suppose to be that way for a couple of days.

Probably going to FIL's to put a few touches on tractor.  Waiting for guy to call on pickup.  Had a leak from under dash.  Had that several years back.  Drains stopped up.  Could be new windshield.  Not in the trailer parks feeding kids now.  Dream Center has volunteers doing it for me now.

County closed gun stores as non-essential.  Governor did not.  Now feds say OK.  Gun stores back open.  [ha ha, told you so when you did it Co. Comm.]  

Enjoy your day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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