doctorwayne's sorta one-foot challenge...
Thanks again for the encouragement, guys.

Just so that nobody thinks that I'm asleep at the wheel, parts 3 and 4 of my Challenge are underway...

[Image: Challenge%20structures%203%20amp%204%20i...0_8732.jpg]

...although they're both small railroad-owned buildings, with only slight variations in the architecture, and will be getting very similar paint jobs as the first ones, too.

Nice progress on the buildings Wayne  Applause 

Couldn't help but noticing the refurbishing going on with the steamer too Big Grin
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
Yup. I agree, keep it up..... Worship Worship
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
(04-18-2020, 09:24 AM)UP SD40-2 Wrote: ...Couldn't help but noticing the refurbishing going on with the steamer too Big Grin

That one belongs to a friend, Deano.  I'm supposed to be adding a decoder and battery pack to it, as, for some strange reason, my friend wants to try "dead-rail" operations.  It's somewhat puzzling to me, as he's very anti-DCC, and not too fond of quite a bit of modern technology, including television, computers, etc., etc.  
I think I've at least got him listening to some stuff I can do, as when he was talking to me on the 'phone about this dead rail business, he was going to see a somewhat local modeller who provides the equipment, and gets it from another person in New Jersey.  While we we talking, I looked-up the guy in Joisey, and mentioned his name. 
He was somewhat taken aback when I mentioned the name, and then asked him why he didn't call that guy instead of going through the local middleman:  "Well, I don't have a 'phone number for him."  I quickly responded with the guy's number, and then, knowing my friend, also said, "Here's his address, because I know that you're likely going to call him and order the equipment, and then send him a money order to pay for it.  He was astounded, to say the least, that I could provide that information.

In addition to that locomotive, I have a brass one which I've repaired for him, too, but both will need painting and I've decided to do some of my own stuff for a change, just to get a bit caught-up on a lot of layout work that needed to be done.  I'll get to his eventually, but am involved in the Challenge and some other projects.

Well, finally some more to share, although I didn't take much in the way of progress pictures, as construction was very similar to the earlier offerings.

Here's the first one, a switch tender's shanty, which will likely end-up near the coaling tower and turntable in Lowbanks, although it won't likely make it before the end of this Challenge.  Rather than construction photos, I'll call them assembly photos...

[Image: Switch%20tenders%20shanty%20-%201.jpg]

[Image: Switch%20tenders%20shanty%20-%202.jpg]

[Image: Switch%20tenders%20shanty%20-%203.jpg]

This one is going on the track which serves the oil house in Lowbanks, and will be for day-to-day maintenance and cleaning of the "BEE" and its trailers.  Here's the floorplan....

[Image: Maintenance%20building%20for%20the%20BEE%20-%201.jpg]

...and with the ceiling in-place, including support for the roof and gable ends...

[Image: Maintenance%20building%20for%20the%20BEE%20-%202.jpg]

...a view of the side which will face the track...

[Image: Maintenance%20building%20for%20the%20BEE%20-%203.jpg]

...and that of the rear, where I hope to add parking space for a car or two...

[Image: Maintenance%20building%20for%20the%20BEE%20-%204.jpg]

This small shed will be located alongside the one above, and houses the equipment to both fuel the BEE and to fill, from a tank car, the storage tank for the BEE's diesel fuel...

[Image: Pumphouse%20for%20diesel%20fuel%20for%20...E%20-1.jpg]

[Image: Pumphouse%20for%20diesel%20fuel%20for%20...0-%202.jpg]

[Image: Pumphouse%20for%20diesel%20fuel%20for%20...0-%203.jpg]

...and this is the storage tank, with the support structure from an old Revell kit, and the tank made from a plastic tube which once held paper for an office machine.....

[Image: Tank%20for%20diesel%20fuel....jpg]

The tank's dome is from a plastic Tyco steamer, with the inspection platform built from Tichy odds 'n' ends, while the ladder is a Central Valley offering.

These structures, along with those from the earlier posts, cover an area of approximately 44.7 sq. inches, far short of the Challenge's 144 sq. inches. 
I've decided to not put another structure in one of the empty locations shown previously in Lowbanks, as I can't think of any need for it for locomotive or rolling stock maintenance.

(Post continued in next submission, due to limit on photos.)Angry

....(continuation of previous post)...

Instead, I've partially disassembled the Walthers freight house which was originally located in South Cayuga, as seen here...

[Image: BarneySecordfliestheGrandValley-ErieNorthshore021.jpg]

[Image: Foe-toesfromfirstcd324.jpg]

...and later moved to Mount Forest...

[Image: Ramp%20to%20Mt.%20Forest%20coal%20dump%20-%201.jpg]

Here it is, slightly modified again, and just beginning to get a coat of orange paint, as I never cared for the kit's original brick colour...

[Image: LCL%20warehouse%20for%20Mount%20Forest%20-%201.jpg]

...and with one coat of brush-applied Floquil CNR Orange #11...

[Image: LCL%20warehouse%20for%20Mount%20Forest%20-%202.jpg]

I have removed the partial floors added when it was first built, mainly to give the structure some stability, and will replace them with full floors after I've applied some drywall mud to create a mortar effect and re-installed the doors and windows.
It will not be finished in-time, as this is the last day of the Challenge, but I will complete the re-build, showing the progress here, even after the Challenge is long done.

Had it been completed in-time, the total coverage, including the smaller structures shown throughout this thread, would have been just a bit over 175 sq. inches...also not anywhere near the required 144 sq. inches. Misngth

I'm lost for words Doc  Icon_eek  Worship Worship Worship
Glad to hear you are going to keep posting progress pics on the building!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Amazing stuff you do. Applause Applause That building is bigger than my entire layout..... Goldth
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Thanks guys. 

I applied the drywall mud last night...well, actually this morning , I guess, as bedtime was 05:40.

Here's the structure with drywall mud applied...

[Image: DRYWALL%20MUD%20APPLIED.jpg]

...I thought my eyes were failing, but am relieved to see that it's the camera that's blurry. Misngth

...and a close-up of the blurry mess...

[Image: DRYWALL%20MUD%20APPLIED%20-%20CLOSE-UP.jpg]

Here's what things should look like once the whole structure gets its rub-down....

[Image: DRYWALL%20MUD%20REMOVED.jpg]

Yup!! Me too.... They look Great!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Just can't compare, outstanding Wayne. And  don't be concerned about the one square foot thing, remember, we said + or -  depending on the project and scale. The idea was to get us to do something, and you certainly qualify for that.... Applause Applause Applause
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I finally got the new maintenance structures in place, although the glue is not dry.

Here's the switch tender's shanty....


...and the service area for the "BEE"...

[Image: SERVICE%20AREA%20FOR%20THE%20BEE%20-%203.jpg]

[Image: SERVICE%20AREA%20FOR%20THE%20BEE%20-%202.jpg]

[Image: SERVICE%20AREA%20FOR%20THE%20BEE%20-%201.jpg]

[Image: SERVICE%20AREA%20FOR%20THE%20BEE.jpg]

Not shown is the access plate in the service track for connecting a tank car to the pump shed, so that diesel fuel can be lifted to the storage tank.  I'll be adding more material to the ground cover after the stuff shown has dried, and will try to remember to take a picture of it.
The freight shed for Mount Forest is coming along well, too, with all of the brick cleaned-up, a new sign added, and construction of the floors starting later today.  When they're ready to install, I'll add the windows to the top floor, then its floor, then the windows for the next floor down, and so-on.


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