The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good morning once again. Saturday, usually a non-work day for most folks, but no different than any other day thanks to the lockdown. Well, for us retirees, no change....

Busy day yesterday, had a number of people stopping by. Not sure if that's a good thing nowadays, but necessary. Did get the yard guy to come, spent almost three hours cleaning and trimming. I did send a letter to the HOA as required about the fine for weeds. Casually mentioned that if their offices were closed because of the stay-at-home order, why were they still sending out the weed police?  Got some restaurants in the area that are fed up with not being able to support themselves and are defying the governor's order. He says restaurants can open sometime around the 12th, but that's not soon enough for some. Small businesses can open this Monday, but must follow social distancing. A few complaints that isn't happening at Walmart, how can you avoid another shopper when the aisles are crowded to start with???? Maybe they should hire the HOA weed police to issue citations for getting too close. Icon_rolleyes

Going to open a voting poll later today for the "one square foot" challenge. I'll post a link here when I do....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Beautiful day.  72 and rising fast.  Sunny and no wind.  WOW

Doggies and cat fed.  I'm fed.  Wifey at Sister's overnight.

Got to go to FIL's and frame up a small wall.

Enjoy the day.  Hope it is pretty outside for all of you.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello Blue
A 70's weekend. For us that's a good one.
Our dicktator say's construction can begin on the 7th. They could be working now but she's a stubborn $itch. She's on Biden's VP candidate list, remember the name Whitmer and beware. The possibility that she could somehow become president scares the hell out of me.
There's no telling when restaurants will reopen. 
Greetings, gang.

Partly cloudy and 47 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. Sunny and 76 are the predicted conditions for later today. This will be the last warm day for the next week or so. Highs are only predicted to be in the upper 50s and low 60s for the remainder of the week.

Yesterday was pretty routine - walk, ride the bike, laundry, and grocery shopping. This morning I'll be heading to Menards for a few things. I want to look at new solar lights for the Backyard & Southern I need to find something a little more sturdy. Some furry woodland creature has been wreaking havoc on the current ones.

Gas prices took another big jump yesterday. Up 15¢ to $1.49 yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning to ya all, I think it hit 104 the other day, they picked the time that it hit 103 and those folks that guessed right got a prize of some sort. Usually it's a couple of tickets to a game, but all sports are on hold, so I'm not sure what they won this year. Temps suppose to rise this week, looking at maybe 103-106 on Thursday, so we may not go target shooting, if we do, we won't stay long.

We had a flyover on Friday. What looked like a tanker or a transport lead a formation of a bunch of F16's, they flew over our neighborhood, but by the time I got outside I had no clue which direction they were heading and so I missed it. They flew all over the valley in honor of our first responders. Our senior centers are all locked down, they are getting hit hard, but the Navajo Reservation is being hit the hardest here in Arizona. Still, we have a lot of folks protesting and some opening their restaurants in spite of the lockdown. I can't blame them, they can lose everything they have since there are landlords that have found loopholes in the order that they do not evict anyone during this crisis, and so we have more homeless and more unemployment to deal with than we should. Doesn't make sense, evict someone for not paying rent, but who can they get to replace them during this stay-at-home order. Do the right thing and be a hero to someone....

Everyone have a great day today, and we all can't have a flyover, but we can remember those first responders. Worship Worship
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Afternoon.  Beautiful day.  TV Church just ended.  Chores outside as so pretty.

Hope all are OK.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 66. Our high is supposed to be 75. It is unfortunately going to be cloudy.

Since it didn't rain yesterday as predicted we did some gardening. The wife cleaned up the flowers. I worked on setting up the pump so we can drain the fish pond. We lost the fish two winters ago when the power went out and we lost the pond heater and the pond froze over. We also started getting as much muck out of the pond as we can. We need a couple of days without rain to do the cleaning. We are thinking to start tomorrow since the weather guessers say Monday and Tuesday will be dry.

I did finish weathering some tankers. I have two more to go. After the tank cars I am thinking of building a few Roundhouse express reefers.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
hi all . got the pool up and running , so now I can get back to modeling.
Happy Star Wars Day, Gang.

May the Fourth Be With You!

Cloudy and 47 outside my window this morning. The high for today is supposed to be in the low 60s with a 100% chance for rain this evening.

Went to Menards yesterday morning. Boy was that a mistake! Big crowds and no cashiers. Took forever just to get out of the store. I found some nice looking plants but when I got home I discovered they were indoor plants. So now I have 4 more house plants, bringing my total up to 25.

On tap for today is a fresh round of bill paying followed by an attempt to go to the gym now that it's opened back up. If it's too crowded I'll skip it for a while longer

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Monday morning to everybody. Temps today might not get to 100, haven't a clue how hot it was yesterday, my only trip outside was to pick up the newspaper. Been an obedient servant of the stay-at-home order, no place to go anyway. Got a kick out of the Ziggy cartoon strip this morning, he says, "Gas has never been cheaper, but they won't let us drive anywhere". Go figure, you can be sure that will change as soon as the lockdown ends.

BTW, when we went target shooting the other day, there were other folks out there as well. We have a few wildfires going right now, one was supposedly started by target shooters. Some shoot at Tannerite or some other exploding targets which can explain how shooting can cause a fire to start. It must be fun enough to justify the cost, we hear BOOM, BOOM frequently, at between $5-10 a BOOM. Waiting

We have opened a voting poll for our recent build challenge. If you haven't been following it, now's the time to go look, and to vote for your favorite. You can vote for all if you can't decide, just go there and vote before the 16th. The poll is here. Those of us that participated will appreciate you stopping by their build threads and for your taking the time to vote. Thanks....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Cloudy and 50's today.
We had a beautiful Michigan weekend with temps in the 70's. Lot's of folk out yesterday in spite of our dicktators orders. The parks were full to the amount allowed. The parks with boat launches were backed up at the gates. Yes most were following the six foot rule.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning.  Been outside doing things.  Hope all have a great day.  Grass to mow.  Scratch around veggie plants.  Rain tomorrow.  Jim, enjoy pool [bet water is cold].
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 67 currently. Been outside most of the day. We started draining the fish pond. It will probably take all day today and some of tomorrow to empty. Then comes the ugly part of clearing and cleaning the muck. Took the water lilies out and the wife went through them and saved the four best.

I finished weathering the tank cars. Next may be building some reefers.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 46. The rain has just ended after depositing a 1/4 inch in my rain gauge. The high for today is supposed to be around 50, not really May weather.

Went to the gym yesterday and it was practically deserted. Signs all over the place saying wipe everything down after use and use hand sanitizer. Of course there was no disinfectant spray, towels, or hand sanitizer to be found. I did find some in another room. Also cleaned out around the base of some tall grasses and had a nice (socially distant) conversation with one of the neighbors.

Nothing much on the agenda for today. Gas price took another 15¢ jump yesterday. Up to $1.64. Also the local constabulary has place the speed cameras back in action. They've been off the streets since the lockdown started.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all. "Hot with plenty of sunshine", says the forecast, might just rubber stamp that for the next five or so months.

Gas around here seems to have settled at around $2.09. It would pay to drive to Costco though, they're about 10 miles away but at $1.79. I can just imagine the lines there for gas and to get in the store. The new Costco is moving along nicely, got signs on the building already, no lines forming yet, but I can imagine what it'll look like when they're a week away from opening. People camping out to be first in line, probably the same people that do that on Thanksgiving Day. May try to go to Walmart this morning, senior hour is at 6. Just need our regular shopping items, well, a bit more since we're eating at home. Gov had yet another press conference yesterday, most small businesses can open as of yesterday, but can't let shoppers in until Friday. I wonder how that works.... Friday, you should be able to get a haircut or a "doo", and by Monday, you can actually go to a sit-down restaurant, (with certain guidelines, like social distancing, but allowing full capacity). I can see it now, the waitress yells at you from at least six feet away, "what's your pleasure, and how do you want it?", meaning, you might have to go get it yourself since she's not allowed to come near you.... Icon_rolleyes Icon_rolleyes

A bit sarcastic, yeah, but it wouldn't be me if it wasn't. 

Have a great day..... Applause
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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