The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
(05-11-2020, 08:49 AM)Chief Eagles Wrote: Something crazy about getting into this site this AM.  Something blocking it as I usually sign in.  Said not secure. ????

65 and sunny.  Been on Food Security Task Force conference call.

Hope all are well.

We are secure, we just overlooked renewing our certificate and GoDaddy didn't call before hand. We're dealing with the situation.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Its done.  Works great.  Thanks for the forum.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

55 and cloudy at the moment. Thunderstorms are expected to roll through later.

Did some work in my daughter's old bedroom as we convert it into an office/study room.

Did not get much done on the reefers. Waiting for couplers some of which came yesterday. Also had a disaster yesterday as some trains got knocked off the layout. Two of the Atlas tank cars and the AS-16 loco. The tank cars had cosmetic damage, mostly railings that had to be reattached. The loco on the other hand had cosmetic damage such as hand rails, sun shields, and name plates knocked off. I was able to reattach everything but the front and rear handrails. I was able to find them on Bowser's website and ordered replacements. Supposedly they are in stock. The worst was the gears inside one of the trucks were knocked loose. Luckily nothing was broken. It took me a couple of hours and many attempts before I figured out how to open the trucks. Once I had that putting the gears back in place and putting the truck back together was easy. The loco seems to run fine.

I have to take the dog over to the vet this afternoon to get his sugars checked. We are sill don't seemed to have the right dosage. Last time they raised the dose to 6 but after a couple of days of him being lethargic and getting sugar readings off a "pee" stick near 1000 my wife raised it to 7. Again no change she raised it to 8. When we took him to have them checked last week the back up doctor didn't like the fact my wife raised the dosage on her own. His sugars were within the acceptable range for the only time thus far. In this I trust my wife as we have learned doctors who do specialize in diabetes can make some very critical mistakes because they don't understand the disease. We have changed doctors on several occasions because of their lack of understanding. My wife has been living with diabetes all her life. Both grandmothers, her mother, and father were or are diabetic. She has been diabetic for the last 25 years. It is always fun listening to her and her endocrinologist talk. It is like listening to two colleagues talking and not a doctor-patient conversation. Sorry for the rant.

I am hoping to get back to the reefers later today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

After a cloudy start to the morning it's currently sunny and 49. It may get about 5 degrees warmer.

After a quiet day yesterday I'm all ready for... another quiet day today. Went to the gym this morning and I may go for a walk this afternoon. Gs is up another dime to $1.84.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Not secure is the message I got as well.
Hello Blue
Wow March weather in May 43 degrees today warming through the week.
Two of the three kids came by to see mom, the one that lives a mile away didn't come. Figures huh.
Being locked in, we made the best of it.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
(05-11-2020, 11:45 AM)sir james Wrote: Not secure is the message I got as well.
 Well, what it amounts to is that we didn't have "https://" for a few hours until I renewed. Pay them, and they give you back your "s". Just another way of servers draining the your bank accounts of those that really don't need that kind of security. We figure that why the heck would someone want to spend the time breaking into Big Blue. We're not a bank, a utility, a credit card company, a government agency, manufacture secret stuff or have data that important to warrant the time, but we went ahead a couple of years ago and went with the secure site since it seems to be the trend nowadays. Now that we did it, we're stuck with it...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Well like you say they got ya. The not secure basically said travel at your own risk.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
I didn't have a problem 3 minutes ago except that I had to log in.
We had snow overnight but it was all gone, pretty well, by noon.
I'm working on some kits that I bought ... I don't know how long ago. One must have been from the second hand table as it's missing both coach floors and one roof is damaged. (articulated coach).
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Stupidly cold this morning at 35 degrees. High for today is supposed to be around 60 with a big warmup starting Thursday. Hopefully this will be the last cold day until fall.

Turned out to be a moderately productive day yesterday. Had a nice sweaty workout at the gym. Then came home and listened to the guv's news conference. After lunch I worked on the outdoor track until I ran out of tie strips. More have been ordered. After that I cleaned and oiled the chain on my bike. By then it was time to clean up and fix a nice super of chicken, potatoes and gravy, and corn. Downright tasty.

This morning I'm headed to Walmart and Menards. This afternoon I'll probably walk and ride the bike.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone on Big Blue, not quite as hot yesterday, temps in the low 90's for the rest of the week, so they say. Going to try to go target shooting on Thursday providing I can find someone to go along. I'm hoping that the truck stop restaurant is open, really missed stopping there for breakfast on the way. Speaking of breakfast, we're going to head to Brenda's Kitchen this morning. She's open and says that she only has four booths and two tables open in order to meet the "social distancing" requirements. Normally she has eight booths and six tables, so she, like a lot of other restaurant people, are hanging by a thread. Still, we can go out to eat for the first time in over six weeks. 2285_

Today is senior Tuesday at Walmart, but the few things we need can wait, no more long lines waiting to get in, no more pushing and shoving and snatching to get that roll of TP or Raman noodle packet.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Thanks Don for the forum.  Let me know if you need some help with $$$.  

57 and going to mid 60's.  Will get to 90 over the weekend.  More watering Wifey's flowers [I said, when it was raining so much, we would need it later].  Mow grass.

Hope all stay safe and well.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello blue
Sun and 60 today.
An early trip tp Walmart w/mask and gloves. We got most everything we went for. Yes there was enough TP for those in need. Some employees not wearing mask so who's fault if they get sick.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Sunny at the moment with 45 degrees on the thermometer. Hugh for today is supposed to be in the upper 50s with a chance for some very light rain. 70s tomorrow.

Moderately productive day yesterday. Got almost everything I needed at Walmart and Menards. Only thing they were out of was the body wash I use. No big deal. I'll get it next trip. When I got home I realized I had goofed on the order for more tie strips for the outdoor track. I was able to get that corrected and the tie strips should be here today. Went for a bike ride but about 3 blocks from home I decided the wind was cooler I had thought. Cut the ride from 10 to 7 miles.

A trip to the gym will be my first activity today. Once the tie strips arrive I'll be working in the back yard unless the rain inhibits that. Other activities may (or may not) arise.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, some relief here in Arizona. "Stay-at-home" order expires on Friday. Pools/gyms open today, sports OK Friday. Don't know how it'll work, but social distancing is still the norm right now. Went to Brenda's Kitchen yesterday, half the booths and tables were gone or blocked, still had the counter full of regulars though. One community table was also filling up, also with regulars. The new order limits groups at restaurants to 10 people. Went to Walmart to return something, "no returns until this virus thing is over, except if the product is bad or broken".... "How about a sign?". then she points to a small, many-worded letter on the counter behind a bunch of other signs. "How about a big sign that everyone can read?", no reaction, just had to walk away and wonder how long the return lines will be when it's OK.

Frank, thanks, we can always use help, we've been avoiding fund raisers for the past few years and trying auctions, but that hasn't worked as well as it used to, so anytime you feel the urge, you can just hit the "donate" button at the bottom of the page and go that way with PayPal or credit card. Different things get renewed at different times, this time it was our SSL, next will be our server, then our URL and so on until we go around again....

Temps are nice, low to mid-90's for at least another week. Hope I can go target shooting tomorrow....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Cloudy good morning. Guessers missed the sunshine they said we were to get. 60 and warming. Was suppose top be mid 70's. Now they say mid to high 60's. Some west of us had light rain. Maybe 30% Monday. undefined

Was on "County tax appeals" meeting by phone. Go in 28th and get sworn. Should have official hearings mid to last June. Was suppose to have started in May. Get paid good for this one.  

Chores outside today.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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