The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 72 headed for sunny and 87. Rain chance at 80% for the family cookout tomorrow.

Yesterday didn't work out the way I had planned (does it ever?). Got about 11 miles into my bike ride and blew a tire. Had to walk two miles home. Actually it wasn't that big of a deal as I was planning to walk later in the day. Put a new blade in the edger and trimmed around the sidewalks and patio. Looks much nicer now. Also got a couple of minor problems fixed on the outdoor track and test ran a train. Working good now. After supper I flew the drone for a while but didn't get any good sunset pictures. Had fun though.

Lots to do today. First up will be a visit to a couple of grocery stores. Surprisingly long list has developed over the last week. Then a bike ride. Also need to stop at the bike shop and see if they have a replacement inner tube for my bike. Bike parts are very hard to find right now. After the fun-filled shopping excursion it's time to clean the main floor -vacuum, dust, put stuff away. All that fun stuff. Also try and find time for a bike ride. Then late this afternoon it will be time for my first beer and bereavement since March. Looking forward to it.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Tom, what caused blow out?  Bet bike parts are made overseas. Maybe we go back to making in America.  Good luck.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
hi all . here and feeling dumb for the first time in over 50 years of owing one I go a case of M-1 thumb . leg still not returning to normal as fast as it should (in my option ) seem to have lost some mobility in it got a appointment to see doc next week. can you believe it that its almost the end of June already .
Good morning all, yeah Jim, I find it difficult to find that it's still not March. I guess the 110 temps should remind me that's not the case.

We still have the auction going. Not much interest, but since I cannot believe that something as old as I am isn't going for very much, I put in my bid. The auction still has two weeks to go, don't miss out by waiting too long.....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
We had another go at the beard and hair today. I'm told mine doesn't look too bad. I can't see a difference on SWMBO, so that's all right.

I'm bypassing this auction as I already have a copy! (Actually a reprint, and I found the coupon to subscribe to MR for 3 years for $11 and get a copy.)
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning everyone, hot and not so humid, a few more days of this and we go back to normal. Thirty years ago today we hit the all-time record for the Phoenix area, 122, tomorrow is another record, 121. The record high for Arizona is 128, not sure of when or where, but I think it might have been in Bullhead City. Last night it was kind of orangy-looking out, usually a sign that a dust storm is on it's way, but I don't think it happened.

Got the golf cart working. No lights, no horn, nothing worked but the motor. Found a hidden fuse holder that was loose. Pushed it and everything came back. Stuffed some aluminum foil in the cap and all is well... Now to clean it up and get it out there for sale.

It's pigeon mating season. They congregate on our neighbors roof and seem to use our truck as a bombing range target. Their bombs are super large this time of the year and have exceptionally good aim too. Eek
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

73 already this morning with a predicted high in the upper 80s. Rain chances have dropped from 80% to 50% and I'm guessing at this point I won't get much more than a sprinkle or two.

Expensive morning ahead. New tires on the car at 8. After that it will be last minute projects like vacuuming, new rugs, and wipe the kitchen floor. Also need to mow.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Sun this morning, Hi 80's for the day. Storms in the forecast for overnight.
Not much going on, nothing train wise. Sad that June is almost gone already.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning folks

It is 82 and it appears something is trying to brew.

Been a crazy week. Still recovering and dealing with my father-in-law's passing. My wife has been getting a good number of cards from her co-workers which helping her. Since he was not living with us and at a nursing home I have to keep reminding myself he is gone. The service on Monday was nice. A Marine and sailor were in attendance. The Marine presented my wife with the flag and the sailor played Taps on the bugle.

I have been getting little things done. I fixed the coupler problem on one of the pickle tank cars. I got some 22 inch radius track that I want to see how it will look. I am also beginning to look at the current layout and figuring out the modifications I want to make. I also test ran a couple new locos I just got.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

68 at the moment headed for the mid to upper 80s with high humidity. Typical Iowa summer day.

The party went well last night. All seemed to have a good time. Grandson and son-in-law just left for grandson's girlfriend. They probably won't be back until sometime this evening so it looks like I have a quiet day ahead. Only project for today is laundry.

Frank - I think the tire just gave out from old age. It was 5 years old and had a few thousand miles on it. The problem will be finiding a replacement. Any bicycle parts are very hard to find right now.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everybody, temps here hitting just below normal over the weekend then suppose to drop into the 90's Monday and Tuesday. Refreshing, but still a bit on the high side. There is some thoughts of precipitation for next week, not sure what that means anymore, I can't find that word in any Arizona dictionary.. Nope 

Working on the swing-away control center for my layout. Can only work short spells out in the garage (110° outside means it's around 310° in the garage Eek  ), but I've got most of the pieces cut, maybe some assembly today, then I can come inside and start on the wiring. Some of the more affluent folks around here have air conditioned garages, me, I just rely on keeping the doors open and hope for a breeze. Icon_rolleyes Years ago I did some security work at a 50,000 square foot house with a 12-car  A/C'd garage. Most folks working there never got fully paid (including us), but now that guy lives in a much larger place with no garages, just lots of iron bars. Applause Was he a crook? Well, we always thought so, and I guess the federal government agreed.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning.  96 and hot.  Some dust haze.  No rain so watering.  Severe level 2 tomorrow with 30% chance.  Well, 70% chance of no rain.  DUHH

Was out early delivering produce boxes.  Got home and started watering.  Wifey has a concrete rabbit sprayer.  So, it mists but really soaks the area.  Have to move it more but does great job of watering.

[Image: enhance]

Hope all OK.  Don, stay out of Phoenix.

Tom, hope you found a tire and or tube.

Enjoy the day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

It is 77 right now. Supposed to reach 86. Looks like storms heading our way. Already had some light rain around dawn. The past few days the storms have gone around us. A few miles north and south of us got hit but all we got was a sprinkle.

Played around with some trains on the layout last evening. Nothing specific or monumental. I plan on weathering the pickle tank cars today.

We have to head out later and get syringes for the dog's insulin. Also need to hit the market for a few things. I am dreading this some since today is the first Saturday we are in the green here in southeastern PA. Yesterday the first day in green the traffic was crazy. Delaware has stopped entering the next phase of reopening due to a bunch of moronic young adults who had to visit Dewy Beach and not practice any social distancing or wearing masks. They then went to parties in Rehoboth Beach and Bethany Beach. Eleven of them came down with COVID and they infected at least another 8 or 10 leading to a spike in cases.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
And a good Sunday Morning to ya, just a few more days and we're halfway through the year. Eek

Heard a weather reporter telling us that we would have rain, but the winds from the west will push the moisture out of our area. Never heard that before, but hey, that's why they get those big bucks.... Still, some chance of rain later on this week.

Got a fire in Avondale in the south part of our valley. They evacuated around 200 homes, still burning and is around 1000 acres. The Bush Fire is now 90% contained and is just under 200,000 acres. The one outside of Tucson is still burning, not sure about the stats on that one. Hard to keep up when you can't stand listening to the news, it's too crazy, even for a sane person . Wallbang For which I have doubts about the sanity of a lot of folks in the news now anyway, or they wouldn't be doing some of the stuff they're doing... Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 71 headed for a partly cloudy 86 and a 60% chance of rain. Chances for rain remain in the forecast through Thursday (subject to change without notice).

Quiet day yesterday. Got the laundry caught up and otherwise just rested after Friday night's family fun. Son-in-law and grandson are headed home. The only activity for me today will be a bike ride soon before it gets too warm.

Tom - young kids are immune to everything except stupidity. We've all done stupid things that we later regret. The bad thing there was that their actions put so many other people at risk.

Frank - will check on a new tube this week. Had family here all weekend and didn't have time. Fortunately I do have a spare bike.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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