The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good morning, kind of a humid one (23%) and a bit sticky for us. The TV folks were all talking about rain for yesterday, showing rain pouring off roofs and flooded washes and streets. The problem is that this was all archive footage, still not a drop in 104 days unless you count the dozen or so drops that I saw on the driveway a few days ago. Nope

Never got to do anything on my control panel yesterday, to much other things than needed to be done. I'll do what I can when I can and that's all one can expect, just that I prefer working on my layout more than doing all this other stuff.

An election year, lots and lots of robocalls about their candidate. Actually had a human call, told her we had already voted (mail-in) and she thanked me and hung up. We get robocalls all day, our Social Security account has been compromised, we have a warrant out for our arrest, our Apple account has been locked (we don't have one), and once in a while, a real person, one of our grandkids needs a bunch of money to get out of jail someplace that I know they aren't, and of course, the Microsoft tech that will fix our computer. We get them on my cell phone too, just that by the time I figure out how to answer the call, they hang up.... Misngth My cell phone is not very responsive, for that I am grateful. Applause
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 62 headed for sunny and 82. Gradual warming trend through the weekend with highs in the 90s by then. No rain in sight. Lawns are starting to look pretty brown as the grass goes dormant.

Only thing accomplished yesterday was a three mile walk late in the afternoon. On tap for today is a trip to the gym and maybe a bike ride later.

Gas jumped 11 cents yesterday to $2.04.9

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Sun and 80's today.
Shopping at Walmart yesterday, they had less stock this trip than any other. I know food processer's are running slow but I would have expected a steadier flow of product. Ground Chuck was $5.19 lb. passed on that one but it may be the new thing. We sat on the porch till after sunset. Our usual stay at home event.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning.  98 and humid.  Heat warning again.  No rain.  

Maybe an errand or two.

Early meeting tomorrow AM on computer.  Then followed by another one. 

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
We went out for a hair trimmer yesterday; Dayle might trust me to do her hair but I don't. The shop sold the one they had between the time we called and our arrival. The clerk managed to discourage Dayle by explaining that the trimmer wouldn't do the job she wanted -- I'd have to.
Spent an hour today on hold with the tax department. I haven't been able to log into their messaging system. Turned out the account name I was using was out of date. Messages were non-urgent -- I'm not getting one benefit and I amd getting another. I'm not in trouble this year.

Our phone system answers on the second ring and nuisance calls usually hang up during my message. We keep the ringer turned off in the TV front room and scan the caller ID anyplace else.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Same old same old.  Hot and humid.  On virtual Human Services Board meeting.  Leave here at 10:30 and go to edge of Raleigh for Food Security Task Force meeting [social distancing].  

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

It's a sunny 61 degrees in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. The equally sunny high for today is supposed to be in the mid 80s.

Yesterday did not go as well as I had hoped. At the gym all lap swimming lanes were full again. One was even doubled up but I think that was someone giving some kids swimming lessons. Worked out, walked and came home. Later I got on the bike but had to cut that trip short as the shifter was acting up. Made some adjustments and will give it a good workout later this morning. Other than the bike ride the only item on the to-do list is an always thrilling trip to Walmart.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, well, I do see a few small puddles in the gutters, so we did get some rain during the night. Not enough to wake us up though, and there aren't that many puddles either, but more than a "trace" I hope. Just watered the tree out front yesterday, maybe I should have gotten the car washed too. Icon_rolleyes 

Busy day today, no time for trains, did get some of my PCB drilled yesterday, got about 50 more holes to go, then I need to hand draw the circuits on the board with a Sharpie before etching, since I have no other way to do that. We used to do it with screenprinting, but this is too simple to think about doing it that way, even if I still had the equipment, which I don't.

Humidity up, dew point up, temps down, should be a good day for some actual rain....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning everyone. 
It's been a while since I have written to this thread. 
It's hot and dry at my house, there have been showers all around but not in my immediate area. 
I have noticed one thing caused by the virus I don't like the most and that is customer service. It is lacking in most places and of course the excuse id "due to the corona virus.  

Locally prices are going sky high.  I went to a local farm to get some fresh produce. Tomatoes were $3.95 a pound, and tiny ears of sweet corn were $6 a dozen. 
I am the only one here that eats sweet corn so I only get 6 ears, which they wanted $3.50. I was peeved with the new 50 cent surcharge for half a dozen so I left empty handed and stopped at a roadside stand on the way home. Tomatoes were $3.00 a quart, which weighed out at 2 pounds. (They were delicious)
     Their corn was nice looking and no surcharge for a half dozen ears of darned nice corn and it was the best I have had for a while. I even got a quart of nice peaches. 
The one thing I would really like to have is a good elongated old fashioned, full of seeds watermelon.  All we have are the round seedless ones, and to me they don't have the flavor.  Truckers used to take loads south and bring back a load of watermelons but I guess they don't do that any more.
Pork is selling for a reasonable price and beef prices are beginning to lower. I have been having trouble finding good old fashioned hamburger mix. I know it's not the best for you but to me the greasy hamburgers taste great, and I only eat one at a sitting and only once every couple weeks so I shouldn't be doing bad.
       We got one of those  Emeril ovens that do miracles if you watch him selling them. I want to tell you, it is good money spent. Everything my wife has cooked has been delicious, with the moistest chicken you would ever want to eat. 

I went to the train room yesterday to get one of my sons locomotives to return to him and discovered a mouse nest. First in over ten years. 
     I had a problem with the door because water had gotten to the floor under the threshold and rotted it out. I figure the critter found his way in before I got that sealed back up. I cleaned the nest and removed the damaged paper which was nothing important.

Well, I am hoping everyone stays safe and away from this virus.  My sister in law, that lives in the Phoenix area had the virus and by the time the test had returned she was over it. So much for the heat preventing it.  

I am hoping we get some of the showers predicted for today. 
Regards to all
Glad to see you joining us Charlie. Not too far from us are acres and acres of corn, sometimes carrots, melons, onions, and other produce sometimes even flowers but always lots of corn. This land is destined for commercial use, meanwhile they are still using it to farm on. You would think there would be a roadside stand or two selling fresh produce, but there's not any. Some city parks have "farmers markets", but none in our area.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon folks

It is 83 with a high of 88. Still feels hot out there. We had some thunderstorms roll through last night and this morning.

Cleaned the filter in the pond yesterday and I thought I was going to melt. Not sure what we have planned for today.

I almost have almost finished clearing the locos and rolling stock of the layouts. I have 8 50 FT boxcars, a set of FT's, and some odd cars to store.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good Friday morning, wow, another Friday, this is about the 88th this year so far. Well, it seem so anyway....

Watched the weather part of the news last night, video of pouring rain somewhere in the Valley, just not here in our area. Had some pockmarks on the windshield yesterday, still not enough rain to measure here.

Got my interconnect circuit board drilled and marked with a sharpie. Maybe I'll be able to etch the board today. It's a process that I've been through hundreds of times, just not at home with hand-drawn circuits and using an enchant formula that I found on the Internet. Nope If you see a big poofy cloud or some eerie glow coming from the NW Phoenix area, you'll know it wasn't the right formula for etching copper. Eek

Have a great weekend and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Welcome back, Charlie!

Sunny and 71 already headed for 92. Going to be in the 90s all weekend.

Went for my bike ride yesterday morning and cut it short as it looked like actual rain moving my way. Got home and checked the radar and lo and behold! Rain. As I watched the the storm split in two and went to the north and south of town. Grrrr! Got the car out of the garage and washed it. Humidity was nasty and I was soaked in sweat by the time I was done.

This morning I'll head to the gym but probably no bike ride as it will be too hot by the time I get home.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
(07-24-2020, 06:08 AM)ezdays Wrote: Good Friday morning, wow, another Friday, this is about the 88th this year so far. Well, it seem so anyway....

Watched the weather part of the news last night, video of pouring rain somewhere in the Valley, just not here in our area. Had some pockmarks on the windshield yesterday, still not enough rain to measure here.

Got my interconnect circuit board drilled and marked with a sharpie. Maybe I'll be able to etch the board today. It's a process that I've been through hundreds of times, just not at home with hand-drawn circuits and using an enchant formula that I found on the Internet. Nope  If you see a big poofy cloud or some eerie glow coming from the NW Phoenix area, you'll know it wasn't the right formula for etching copper. Eek

Have a great weekend and stay safe.

Don i have used commercial (10 % ) vinegar  in past for etching boards it is slow  though .
Good afternoon folks

It is 78 going to 80. A couple of rounds of thunderstorms rolled through last evening and overnight.

Went out and got a few more containers for locos and rolling stock. Didn't do much else yesterday. Just to hot and humid.

Not sure what we are doing today. Looking for someplace to go for a few hours.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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